Yr 3 Egyptian Day – With Mr Cadle – The History Man!

Please find details about our Egyptian Day on Monday 3rd February 2025. All permissions and payments are available on your ParentPay accounts.


Kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B

Wow Homework in 3M!

Some amazing Science homework completed by members of 3M.

Well done children, these will be on display in the year 3 block!

Yr 3 Messages & Diary Dates 2nd-6th Dec

Diary Dates


Year 3 Tradition

As is tradition for Year 3 children’s first Christmas at NJS, if they would like to donate and place a Christmas decoration onto the main Christmas tree in the school hall, then please bring these into class. Children will then have the opportunity to place their decoration on to the tree on Tuesday. These will then go into the decoration box ready to rejuvenate our supplies for future years.


All the children should have their lines and a costume “ideas” letter. Please support your child with these. Learning their lines can take priority over their weekly reading for the next couple of weeks.


Please send PE kits in with your child for the whole week and we will try and get a PE lesson in when appropriate!

Many thanks for you support

Mr B and Mr M

3M Beech’s Base – Friday 29th Nov

Please remember 3M have Beech’s Base tomorrow – children can come to school in their forest clothes but will need a change of footwear. Please wrap up warm & bring hats and gloves as it may be a cold one!!

Mr M

3B Beech’s Base

Class 3B had a fab time at Beech’s Base today, despite the actual Beech’s Base site being waterlogged! They made animal skeletons as part of Science / Stone Age history work, ate some marshmallows and generally enjoyed being outside!


Islamophobia Awareness Month – Assembly

Today, the children in Yr 3, 4 & 6 took part in an assembly looking at Islamophobia Awareness Month.

We discussed what Islamophobia is, the impact it has on individuals and what we, as members of NJS, can do to make a difference. The theme for this year is ‘Seeds of change’ and reflects on how we can all make a small difference by taking action.

At NJS, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive, welcoming and loving environment and this was discussed with the children including how we could all make a difference to the world around us.

For more information on this topic, please take a look at the link: https://www.islamophobia-awareness.org/

How to eat well, in Class 3B!

Yesterday, Class 3B took part in a Sugar Awareness session, called ‘Eatwell’, which gave the children a surprising insight into how much sugar is contained in everyday foods and drinks. Did you know that there are 15 cubes of sugar in a 500ml bottle of Coca-Cola?! 3B didn’t, but they do now!


Homework Gallery, by Class 3B!

Wow, 3B! You have blown us away with your responses to the homework tasks this term. Some of these must have taken ages! All children who submit homework receive lots of house points for their team. Well done all of you, and I look forward to the next project!