Year 3 Art Shirts

Dear Parents,

All children in Year 3 need to bring in an old t-shirt or shirt to wear on top of their school clothing, for use during Art lessons. It will potentially get covered in paint and other materials, so needs to be old / not needed anymore.

Many children bring in one of mum or dad’s old shirts, or t-shirts, so they can be worn over clothing, without being too tight.  This item will need to be small enough to store in their locker or drawer in class.

Thank you for your support,


The Year 3 Team.


This could be

Message for 3W…

Dear 3W Parents and Carers

 You may be aware that Miss Watson has been absent from school this week due to a none COVID related illness.  I am writing to advise you that unfortunately Miss Watson will not return to school until the 2nd December as she has been advised by the NHS to work from home as she falls in the extremely vulnerable category.

 Miss Watson is a very dedicated teacher and is upset not to be in school with her class for this period of time.  She will be working from home to support the team with their planning and will hold sessions with the class on Microsoft Teams which I know the children and her will look forward to.

 We recently appointed Miss Bold to the NJS team for the remainder of this academic year and she will teach 3W during Miss Watson’s absence.  She can be reached by email we would encourage you to copy Miss Watson into any emails too so that she is kept informed.

 The most important thing is that we keep members of our NJS family safe and follow the guidance given; we all send our best wishes to Miss Watson and can’t wait to have her back.

 Mrs Moody



Year 3 Homework Autumn 2nd half

Dear Parents,

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2020

Skeleton Cut Out and Label Home Learning Task

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Please find attached the Year 3 homework and spellings for this half term. Children also have a paper copy of these attachments. They should use their orange Homework books to record any spelling practice, times tables practice or other work they complete, plus the work on the human body.

If children wish, they can learn both sets of the spellings for testing w/c 14/12/20. Please support them to do this.

The homework books are due in on Monday 14th December. This is the correct date – apologies but the sheet sent home incorrectly states 12th December!

As always, please continue reading daily with your children, signing their reading diaries and writing any comments you feel will be useful. Children should try to use TTRS at least once daily during the week, or for longer periods at the weekend. Please allow access when possible.

Should you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher on the emails listed below:

Thank you for your continued support,

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Back to School Blues!

The children who come to NJS are amazing! They have shown that they are resilient and can adapt to different situations. There are some who do need some extra support and there are those who have anxieties returning to school after breaks. Please use the link to access helpful information to put measures in place before Monday morning arrives.

Positive Young Minds

As always we are looking forward to seeing the children for another half term!

Year 3 Homework reminder

Dear Parents and Year 3 children,

Just a quick reminder that Year 3 Spellings and homework are due on Monday 19th October, next week.

Spellings will be tested any time from Monday onwards next week and the Stonehenge poster that children were asked to produce is also due at the same time. This will be displayed in the Year 3 Art display area.

Children should also bring in their orange homework books to show their teachers what they have been doing to practice spellings, maths and any other activities in support of their learning.

I have attached the homework sheets below as a reminder of the tasks.

Homework for Autumn 1st half 2020

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.