5H Assembly 31.3.17

5H put on a fantastic assembly on Friday afternoon, focusing on kindness and friendship. We saw Britain’s Got Talent, including a fabulous advert break, as well as the children sharing their own ideas about the importance of kindness. We ended with a superb performance of The Bare Necessities. Well done 5H!! Xxx

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Year 5 – Swimming

Year 5 children please remember your swimming kits on Monday 27th February.

You will need them every Monday until Easter ( with exception to the Cadbury World trip week!!)


Mr M & Miss Hardy

Arthog Day 5 – The Final Hours!

After a fantastic last morning at Arthog, here are some final team photos!

Well done to all Year 5 children on the trip this week. They have had a brilliant time and have shown great courage, determination and team work. It has been a pleasure to spend the week with them and they should all be very proud of their achievements. Now for a well-deserved restful weekend!

Miss H, Mr M, Mrs Jukes, Mrs Gilmour and Mrs Follos x
