5P’s Book Quiz!

Good evening parents!

As a trial, the children in 5P are going to complete a quiz on Blooket- purely for a little bit of fun!

Please follow the links in the PDF and also the PowerPoint to help you. There is a hyperlink and also a QR code to access this Quiz. Please use your child’s first name as their Username. It is all free and no need for any passwords or new accounts to be set up!

Have a lovely weekend.

chapter 1 quiz hw

chapter 1 quiz hw pdf

Yr5 Arthog Residential Meeting

Thank you to all the parents who attended the residential meeting afterschool today.

Please find attached the slides from the meeting, a kit list, a behavioural contract and a medical form which were all shared.

Please can I ask that the medical forms and behaviour contracts are back in school by Friday 15th March as they need to be sent off to the centre.

If you have any further questions please email: ben.moody@taw.org.uk

Many thanks

Mr M

Arthog Presentation to Parents main


Medical Consent_Form 24

Residential Code of Conduct April 24