Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in on Wednesday 26th March. Please ensure homework is presented to a high standard as this ensures the children are best prepared for the transition to secondary school.

1. Read 3 times to an adult & have your reading record signed.
2. Complete the reading comprehension task. t2-or-611-rainforest-calling-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_10
3. Complete the online maths test at http://www.maths.co.uk

Year 6 Comic Relief / World Down Syndrome Day

Well done to our three Yr 6 classes for their efforts in raising awareness for World Down Syndrome Day & Comic Relief today! Each class have spent time looking at what life is like for people with Down Syndrome today. The money will be donated between the two charities.

Yr 6 Message – PLEASE READ.

Over the last few weeks, we have dealt with multiple incidents of children buying/selling items from one another during the school day. This has resulted in arguments and upset for certain children. In some cases, parents were unaware that children had obtained the money from the house to bring into school.

Please can we ask that parents remain vigilant for children coming home with new items or for children brining money into school.

Many thanks for your support.

Yr 6 Shrewsbury Visit

We had a brilliant day looking at the Tudor heritage throughout Shrewsbury. We visited Henry Tudor Inn which is where Henry VII stayed on his way to Bosworth, we also looked at Tudor architecture and famous places from within the town linked to our learning back in school. The children were fantastic and seemed to enjoy their day out! Thank you to all the staff for making this trip happen.

Year 6 Shrewsbury Visit – Parent Pay

Year 6 are due to visit Shrewsbury on Wednesday 19th March, we still have a number of children without permission to attend.

Please can we ask that you log onto Parent Pay and ensure permission has been given for your child to attend the visit.

A reminder that children are expected to wear school uniform plus comfortable footwear such as trainers and have a packed lunch with them.

6B Class Assembly

Just to remind parents that it is class 6B’s assembly on Thursday at 2:30pm. We’re excited to show you what we have been learning!


Miss Bold