Yr 6 Safer Internet Day ’25

This week, to mark Safer Internet Day 2025, children in year 6 spent some time looking at the meaning of ‘phishing‘ and ‘scamming’

Children completed activities on SeeSaw and spent time finding out how to avoid potentially dangerous scams.

Phishing Poster

Phishing Powerpoint

Please have a look at the information provided on this post to find out more about what these key terms means, and key information to look out for!

Maths Support

Some children will have brought home a letter this evening offering additional support in maths. This is something we have done for a number of years and always found it to be successful in helping children with their confidence and ability in maths.  We ask that these slips are returned to school ASAP so we can allocate groups.

Please can we remind parents that these session begin after half term

If you would like any more information on this, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 12th February. Please ensure your homework is complete and handed in by this date.

  1. Complete 3 reads to an adult and have your reading record signed.
  2. Complete SPaG Mini Assessment – the children have been completing these daily in class.
  3. Complete decimals & percentages assessment set on http://www.maths.co.uk
  4. Complete statutory spelling practice. Please aim for at least 3 words per line in joined handwriting.

Year 6 SATs Workshop Slides

sat workshop 2025 pdf

Many thanks to the parents that attended our Yr 6 SATs workshop last night. For any parents that were unable to make the meeting, please find the slides attached to this post.

If you have any questions, please speak a member of the year 6 team.

Yr 6 Hub Reminder

A reminder that some children from Yr 6 are attending Newport Hub tomorrow.

Children will be walked down by staff at 3.15pm and we are asking that parents collect from The Hub between 4 – 4.15pm.

Children who have permission to walk home will be allowed to do so from The Hub.

Staff will be walking back to school at 4.15pm with any children who attend Hi-5 club.

Children are allowed to bring up to £4 to have a drink & snack as per the website post last week.



Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due by Wednesday 5th February 2025.

We have seen an increase in the number of children not completing or submitting their homework on time. The setting of homework is part of our on-going efforts to prepare children for their upcoming transition to secondary school, where homework is a daily occurrence.

  1. Complete spellings as per the statutory spelling list. Year 5-6 spellings (pg 2 of this document)
  2. Complete maths worksheet – converting between fractions/decimals/percentages. This follows on from our work in class this week. fractions-decimals-percents-2
  3. Complete worksheet on proof reading and editing passages of text. Please ensure the sentences are completed with legible handwriting and are punctuation correctly. Editing punctuation


Drinks & Snacks – Newport Hub Visit

Burton Borough have kindly provided a price list for items that will be on sale at Newport Hub during our visit on Tuesday.

A reminder that children will walk down with staff at 3.15pm and will be accompanied by staff throughout their visit. We ask that parents collect their children from The Hub between 4 – 4.15pm.


Newport Hub

139 High St, Newport TF10 7BH