6J at Beech’s Base

This half term 6J enjoyed some of the Tudor activities they had been introduced to before half term. In addition to this the children developed their own Tudor Currency and Trade game and used it imaginatively to role play.

Over the fire we cooked Yeoman’s Pudding… this is a Tudor recipe similar to French toast.

As this is the last visit to Beech’s Base before Christmas we got into the festive spirit and made some Santa decorations using a whittling technique.

6B at Beech’s Base Autumn 2

This half term 6B enjoyed some of the Tudor activities they had been introduced to before half term. In addition to this the children developed their own Tudor Currency and Trade game and used it imaginatively to role play.

Some of the children used their knowledge of WW2 ailments and created medicines from natural sources for Trench Foot in the Science Lab.

Over the fire we cooked Yeoman’s Pudding… this is a Tudor recipe similar to French toast.

As this is the last visit to Beech’s Base before Christmas we got into the festive spirit and made some Santa decorations using a whittling technique.

Yr 6 Arthog Medical Forms and Other Information

Attached are all the forms needed for the Arthog residential.

They are all required to be back at school by tomorrow morning as I have a meeting tomorrow (Tuesday afternoon) to discuss our programme and any medical requirements. Failing to do so may result in your child’s place being given to another.

These forms were issued at the meeting, sent home in paper form to the parents who couldn’t attend and have been on the website since Friday 21st October – so it is imperative you complete them. Mrs Stanley will also be emailing these forms to the 37 families yet to complete them.

Kindest regards

Mr M

Arthog Presentation to Parents main


Medical Consent_Form

Residential Code of Conduct Dec 2022 Arthog

POSTPONED SEND coffee afternoon tomorrow

Unfortunately we are cancelling the planned coffee afternoon tomorrow due to ill health of the school educational psychologist, who was due to lead the meeting.

We have been able to book a new date for the meeting later in the month. Julie will be leading  the meeting on emotion coaching on Monday 28th November at 1.30pm. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to seeing you on 28th.

6B at Beech’s Base

Just before half term 6B have had their first visit of the year to Beech’s Base… I hope they really enjoyed their day.

We had a Tudor theme so began with ordering events on a timeline and discussing this era. The activities the children participated included creating Tudor Currency using natural objects, a Tudor Rose Suncatcher, playing Medievapoly. During the afternoon we made Tudor Gingered Bread using the fire to melt some of the ingredients!

Thanks for a wonderful day 6B

Mrs K x 🙂

19.10.22 6B