Chester Zoo Reminders

For Chester Zoo tomorrow, could the children please be in school for 8.30, this will allow us to register the children and make a prompt departure.

Children are to wear school uniform with comfortable footwear please. A packed lunch, water bottle and some sensible snacks please as we appreciate it is a long day.

Children will not need any spending money for the trip.

We aim to be back for 6pm but will update on our estimated time of arrival back at NJS once we are on our way back.

We look forward to a great day!

Year 4 Spring Explorers – 17/04/24

Tomorrow, the children will be attending Chetwynd Deer Park to complete Spring Explorers Activities. This is a day run by the Volunteers at the Deer Park that includes pond dipping, nature activities and bug eating challenges!

The children will need to wear usual Forest Fun clothing and suitable footwear – not forgetting a small rucksack to carry a water bottle, snack and any waterproofs needed. Lunch will be eaten in school as normal and children will walk to the Deer Park with school staff.

London Residential Meeting for Parents

There will be a meeting in the school hall for all parents of children going on the London Residential visit on Wednesday 24th April at 3.30pm in the school hall.

Any parents who are unable to make the meeting please don’t worry,  I will be sharing the information via the website following the meeting.

Thank you,

Mr Rotherham

Year 3 and 4 had a visit!

This morning Year 3 and 4 had a visit from Indi from Telford Gurdwara to talk about Sikhism. He was absolutely brilliant and gave us loads of information! Indi talked about the discipline he must follow in his life since he was baptised and talked all about the Gurdwara. He showed us the 5 K’s and explained what they meant to him and why he carries them. Did you know Sikhs are vegetarians and they never cut their hair! Sikhs believe that we are made in the image of God and God is perfect therefore we must look after what God has gifted to us. We learnt so much about Sikhism and the beliefs that Sikhs follow. Thank you Indi!

5M Weekly Reminders

Glad to be back tomorrow and get back to it!

Monday – Swimming AM

Tuesday – Cross Country for some children from 10am with Mr Lawson.

Wednesday – Mr Marsh PPA – Ms Branton

Thursday – Chester Zoo Trip – I am mega excited for this!

Friday – Outdoor P.E. (Cricket)