Year 3 Homework and Spellings Summer 2nd Half

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 Spellings Homework Summer 2nd half 2024 PDF

Year 3 Spellings Homework Summer 2nd half 2024

Please find attached this term’s Homework and Spellings for Year 3. If you require any further information, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Blooket weekend session

Good afternoon all,

I have managed to set up a blooket session for year 3 to join this weekend.

Following this link will give you access.

Fingers crossed it works, this is a work in progress.

Year 3 Spellings and Homework for this half term

Dear Parents and Carers,

Homework for Spring 2nd half 2024

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Apologies for the lateness of this post – please try to complete as much as you can, over the next couple of weeks, leading up to Easter. Please can children complete any work in the Homework book they have been provided with.

If children would like to take some time over Easter to complete the short foundation project on Greta Thunberg, this is okay, however, any work completed before Easter and by the deadline of the end of Spring term will be awarded bonus house points!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings this week and next week, Homework and TTRS

Dear Parents and Carers,

Week 3 Spellings Year 3

Week 4 Spellings Year 3

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2023

Apologies for the late posting of this week’s spellings – we have had several technical issues with the school website and loading up files. Hopefully these are now resolved.

Also attached is a reminder copy of the Year 3 homework for this half term.

Finally, children are currently engaged in a national competition on Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). With this in mind, we would really appreciate it if you could allow your children to play on TTRS as often as possible over the next 24 hrs. The maximum time they can count towards the competition is 1 hr of playtime.

Once this competition has finished, we would recommend that children continue to  spend at least 10 minutes per day practicing their times tables on TTRS.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Homework

Dear parents/carer of Year 3

By the end of this week, all Year 3 children will have been given the homework for this half term. There is a Maths, Reading, Spelling and a foundation subject task for your child to attempt. The due date is Thursday 19th October, but if completed can be brought back sooner. Whilst it is not compulsory, children are rewarded handsomely with house points upon completion.

If you have any queries, please speak to your child’s teacher.


Year 3 team.

Autumn 1 Hwk

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games (1)

Year 3 Homework Spring 2nd half

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find attached the Year 3 Homework and spelling tasks. Children should all have been given hard copies of this by now. Apologies for the late upload!

Homework for Spring 2nd half 2023

Homework for Spring 2nd half 2023 PDF version

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team..


Year 3 Homework

Dear Parents and Carers,

As per previous messages, Year 3 children should, by now, have handed in their homework books. Please ensure that children have done so by tomorrow, to ensure they receive house points for work completed. Homework handed in after this date will receive marks, but no house points.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.