Congratulations Art Club

Well done & congratulations to all of our art club members who contributed towards creating the Christmas window display at Henshall’s Insurance. We were the overall winners of the Newport Christmas Window competition. We are all super proud of you 😀

4M Wednesday

4M will be completing their ‘Pointillism’ topic for Art on Wednesday morning. Please could the children bring an old t-shirt/apron with them. Thanks for your support.

Mr Marsh

4P Beech’s Base

I am emailing you to let you know that unfortunately Mrs K isn’t in school and the Beech’s Base session for 4P was cancelled today.

Mr Parker will arrange a new date for the class and communicate this with you.

Thank you for your support.

Y4 Trip to Blists Hill Tomorrow

For the trip tomorrow, children to be in school uniform as usual please and in school promptly for 8.45am so we are ready to depart. Please make sure children are wrapped up nice and warm as being an open air museum, we will be outside for large parts of the day. We look forward to a great day tomorrow!

The Year 4 Team.

4J at Beech’s Base

This morning 4J listened to a Christmas story called The Little Reindeer by Michael Foreman. It had lots of sound words which linked to our Science topic of sound.

We explored the natural environment and used the zones of Den Building and Science Lab. In addition to this we managed to have a fire despite the very wet weather! We listened to corn popping and then ate this during the football this afternoon!