Y3/4 Indoor Cricket Festival

A really enjoyable afternoon for the Y3/4 Cricket team at their indoor Cricket Festival at the Telford Tennis Centre. I loved my flying visit at lunchtime to see how the children were getting on!

POSTPONED SEND coffee afternoon tomorrow

Unfortunately we are cancelling the planned coffee afternoon tomorrow due to ill health of the school educational psychologist, who was due to lead the meeting.

We have been able to book a new date for the meeting later in the month. Julie will be leading  the meeting on emotion coaching on Monday 28th November at 1.30pm. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to seeing you on 28th.

Year 4 Blists Hill Visit!

We are delighted to be taking Year 4 on a visit to Blists Hill later this month.  Please find a letter attached with details:

Blist Hill Letter Y4

Please log onto ParentPay to confirm your consent and make payment.

Thank you for your support.

4M Pet Day

A great day was had today in 4M with all of the pets that we had in. Thank you very much to the parents and carers that supported us in helping organise the day. It incredibly fun and informative for the children.