Homework – Week 4!

Please see the spellings attached for each group. The children will be tested next Friday (28.09.18).

Spellings Wk 4


Continue to read at least three times this week at home and record in in your reading diary. Learn your 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10x tables.

In your homework book, using 24 as your target number, show as many different ways you can reach this number using + – x and ÷. For example: 6 x 4 = 24. 45 – 21 = 24

Welcome back!

Welcome back to what we hope is going to be a fantastic year at NJS!

We’ve had such a great day with the children and enjoyed hearing all about their summer holidays.

P.E for this term:

4J will be Tuesday and Friday

4S will be Thursday and Friday

4F will be Monday and Friday


Homework and spellings are due to be handed out on a Friday and will also be put onto the website. We would like the children to bring it back homework on Monday or Tuesday the following week. We will test them on their spellings the following Friday.

Homework also includes reading 3 times at home over the week with an adult. This will be checked every Tuesday in their reading diaries.

Design and Technology

The children are due to start their D&T topic next Wednesday. We are asking for anny materials you see fit to build a polar shelter (Not life size)! We would advise not to bring toilet rolls and would suggest materials such as: cardboard, tissue paper, twigs, fabric etc. We are kindly asking for these to be in school by Tuesday 11th September.