5M Geography

We are loving our Eastern Europe topic currently in Geography and the children are working flat out. Today, we studied the causes of the Chernobyl Disaster and looked at the after effects. I was really impressed by both the geographical vocabulary that the children used and their maturity when discussing the delicate subject matter.

5M Forest School Date Change

Due to the expected number of children from 5M going to the Cross Country event on Tuesday 10th October, 5M’s Forest School Afternoon has been rescheduled to Friday 13th October that week to ensure that all children in the class can take part in Forest School.

5M European Day of Languages

This afternoon, we were lucky enough to have a presentation all about Finland for European Day of Languages presented to us by Theo. He had clearly spent a lot of time and effort putting it together and it was a privilege to present it to the other children for him. We learnt about Finnish food, Finnish schooling and the Northern Lights. We are going to focus a little bit more on the Northern Lights on Friday and produce some artwork to go with it!

European Day of Languages!

5P have had a brilliant time learning all about Greece for European Day of Languages.

We discovered how to say ‘My name is…’ and ‘How are you’ in Greek, enjoyed sampling some classic Greek food and had a go at some Greek style dancing.

5M Computing

We had so much fun this afternoon Computing. We created Vector drawings using shapes and then editing them. The children really enjoyed it and learnt some new skills that we can continue in this unit.

Board Games Club

We had a great first session of Board Games club today at lunch. If any Y4 children would like to come and join us, they are more than welcome to as there is some spare spaces. Please can they come and visit me and I will explain how it all works to them.

Congratulations to Poppi from 5J!

Congratulations to Poppi who entered the swimming club championship at Wolverhampton. Poppi came first in the 25 meter butterfly, backstroke, freestyle and breaststroke. Well done from everybody at NJS.