Week beginning 3.2.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5P Mrs H

5OP Mrs H Space Dome 5K need PE kits
Tuesday 5P Mr Everington Mrs Y in 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5P Mr Everington

Mrs O in 5OP 5K PE
Thursday 5OP Mrs H in the afternoon

5P Mr Everington





Mrs P in 5OP Library 5P PE kit
Friday 5P

5K Mrs Y for part of morning

5OP Mrs P 5OP PE

5P Beech’s base

5K in Beech’s base tomorrow

Just a reminder 5K is at Beech’s base tomorrow. Children can come to school in their outdoor clothing with a pair of outdoor schools in a bag. All children must have a pair of indoor schools/trainers on. Remember coats, hats ,glove etc.. as it is still quite cold outdoor.

SPACE DOME – 03.02.25

Good morning,

Next week the children in year 5 will experience the space dome! We still have some children without permission.
Please could we ask you to check parent pay to state if your child can take part or not.

If you are having issues accessing parent pay, please contact the school office and they will be able to support you.

Many thanks,

The Year 5 Team

Week beginning 27.1.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5P Mrs H

Mrs O in 5OP All need PE kits
Tuesday Mrs O in 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5OP pm Mrs H

Mrs O in 5OP 5K PE
Thursday 5K Mrs H 




5P PE kit
Friday 5K Mrs Y in the morning 5OP Mrs P 5OP PE

5K Beech’s base

5OP Pet Day!

What a fantastic day we have had in 5OP today meeting and learning all about our pets. Thank you so much to all the parents and grandparents for bringing in pets and also to those children who wrote PowerPoints, made posters and brought in pictures all about their pets.


Yr 5 Arthog Parents Meeting Information

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the Arthog meeting after school tonight, where I was able to share details of our upcoming residential.

For anyone who was unable to attend and for reference below are the slides I shared at the meeting.

Also below is the medical consent form and behavioural contract, which both need returning to school by Friday 31st January at the latest, as well as the all important kit list – paper copies can now be obtained from the school office.

If anyone has any further questions then please get in touch.

Kindest regards,

Mr M

Kit list: Kit_List

Medical form: Medical Consent_Form

Behavioural Contract: Residential Code of Conduct 25

Shared parent slides: Arthog Presentation to Parents main

Year 5: Bugsy Malone at Burton Borough School

On Wednesday morning we will be taking Year 5 to see a performance of Bugsy Malone at Burton Borough School.  We will leave shortly after 9am and return around 11am.  The children will not need anything for this visit except their water bottle.

We are aware some families may be attending Haberdashers Adams Open Morning on this date: we can only apologise for this ‘clash’ but don’t want to miss the opportunity to attend the performance.  If your child goes to the Open Morning they will not be able to attend the performance, please return them to school following your visit to Haberdashers Adams.

Week beginning 20.1.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon  Mrs O in 5OP All need PE kits
Tuesday 5K Mrs Yates Mrs O in 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in the afternoon Mrs O in 5OP All BBS to see Bugsy Malone
Thursday 5OP Mrs H




5P PE kit
Friday 5OP Mrs P Pet day