Homework due 2nd October 2019

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete the maths questions on add and subtract –
2/3* find the missing digits and complete the calculations.
1* practise column method for T U
Complete maths questions in pencil please!

Even though we are out on a school excursion this day, homework still needs to be handed in please.

Y6 homework due Wednesday 25th

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete the table identifying types of word classes.
3/2* Identify verbs, nouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and determiners.
1* Identify verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs

Children are expected to provide 5 examples of each word class.

Homework for Wednesday 18th

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete the maths activity – negative numbers.
2/3* complete the questions practising use of negative numbers.
1* order negative numbers, using the negative/positive number line for support.

Y6 homework due Wednesday 11th September

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete the blank times tables grid

Homework Y6

Children need to learn the words to their leavers song as homework for the remainder of time left at NJS.

There are 2 other songs for the children to sing but they are well-known to the children.

Please encourage your child to practise the words.

High Hopes Leavers Song

Y6 homework due 3rd July

Year 6 are only being asked to record their reading this week. Please encourage your child to read as much as possible and record their reading in their reading record.

Reminder of homework due Monday 24th

Reminder about homework due on Monday 24th June.

Children need to research local and national news stories, making notes in their homework books.

We will be completing the newspaper reports in class during the week.

Children are still expected to read at least 3 times per week and record all reading in their reading record.

Y6 homework

All Y6 children are expected to read and record their reading in their reading records.

Reading diaries are checked weekly and children are expected to read with an adult at least 3 times per week, plus read independently on a regular basis.

Please encourage your child to engage with reading!

Y6 half term homework

6S and 6J only:

As a school we are pleased to again enter this year’s carnival procession. The theme for Newport’s 2019 Carnival is ‘Past, Present & Future’. As it is 50 years since man landed on the moon, we thought it would be a super starting point to combine both the celebration of the past, with ideas for the future of space.

We would like the children to make something that will attach to, stick/tape to, or hang from our float. This may be a spacecraft, rocket, planet, solar system, alien, an astronaut or an idea for the future of space.

It can be as big as you can manage, as they will all hopefully be attached to our float and people of course people watching the procession need to be able to see all the creations.

Please bring in to school after half term so we can start to collate them for the carnival.

Many thanks!

6K – you are working on assembly play scripts over the half term as directed by Mrs Kerr.

We hope everyone has a very enjoyable half term!

Yr6 homework due Wednesday 8th May

Children to read at least 3 times with an adult and the adult to sign homework book. children to record their comments for all reading entries.

Children to revise spellings in their homework book for all spellings learned this school year.

Children to complete SPAG questions, reading the questions carefully.

Children to complete either the 1* or 2* maths arithmetic questions. Children will have made their own choice on the appropriate challenge.