Wednesday 3rd March

Hello fabulous Year 6,

Just a reminder – it is Book week dress up day on Thursday and Miss Sherry can’t wait to see your  costumes. She will be dressed up as well (and doesn’t want to be the only one!)

Here are Wednesday’s lessons.


wednesday 03.03.21


Day 3.pptx


read challenge wed thurs fri

The online lesson will be on Facebook LIVE at 9.30am. Mr. J will be leading a PE session for ALL classes to join. The lesson will only be done live once. He can’t wait to see you all there!

Reminder to key worker children who are in school on Wednesday, please come in your PE kit but have your uniform in your bag to get changed into after the session.


Tuesday 9th March

Hello Year 6,

Tuesday’s work is attached. Don’t forget it is Book Week and all the Book related activities that are happen this week – including Mrs Moody’s Gangsta Granny challenge and dress up day. We can’t wait to see the costume during the online lesson!


read tuesday 2nd


Day 2


tuesday 02.03.21

Computing – esafety

Lesson Slides – Digital Friendships

Online lessons are with Mrs Kerr

6J 9am computing – esafety

6S 10am computing – esafety

6K computing – esafety

February Sport Challenges

Well done to all the children who have taken part in the February Sports Challenges.

Hopefully you’ve spotted yourself on our school website.

Please find your participation certificate below, please get your parents to complete them and sign them on my behalf.

Please find the certificate here:     certificate

Well done and thank you to you parents,

Mr M x


Monday 1st March

Hello Year 6,

Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend in the sunshine and are ready and eager for last week of home learning.

Below is the work for Monday.


Monday 01.03.21


Day 1 Knowledge Organiser

Day 1 Measure around the house


read monday 1st

The online lesson today is Beliefs and Values with Mr. J. He will be sharing all the resources during the lesson.

6S at 9am

6J at 10am

6K at 11am