Year 6 Live P.E 8th February

Year 6!

Get your kits ready to join Mr J for a live PE workout on Monday 8th February!

Mr J will be filming the lesson live from school with the key worker children, and this will be your LIVE LESSON for that day.

All you need is yourself, your PE kit (or any comfy clothes) and some energy! (Perhaps a tin of beans or two if you want to make it harder….)

Feel free to get your parents, brother/sister and pets involved!

See you on Monday!

The Lost Diary

This is the final instalment of the book.

Please scroll through the posts and make sure you have caught up with previous recordings so you can make sense of the events.


Just a reminder Year 6, when setting up your work area ready for a live lesson, remember to have access to all the resources you will need for the session.


Express Yourself in Y6

Today the children expressed themself by creating a chalk cloud. All the colours represent the range of feelings we experience.

Thank you to the Y6 staff who grated, ground and rolled chalk to ensure we had enough. Well done ladies!

Home learning 03.02.21

Online learning is with Mrs K today – maths
6K at 9am
6J at 10am
6S at 11am
Decimals 3 (1)

Wednesday 03.02.21

Reading – remainder of Clocktower activity
Wednesday 03.02.21 2
Clockwork Answers 03.02.21

Art – an open ended task but work needs to be presented in a creative way!
Art – To research a famous portrait artist

Wellbeing weekly tasks
Mental Health Week Wellbeing Tasks

Don’t forget to share how you are looking after your mental health this week. Send photos to

Have a good day!