3J and 3B Christmas Card Designs

The children in 3J and 3B have been given a Christmas Card Template (3B received theirs on Friday) to complete their Christmas card designs. 3P will be completing their cards in class unless otherwise informed. They need to ensure that their design is within the black border, otherwise it will not be photocopied correctly. Children also need to decorate the whole box; any white will take away from the design. Please encourage children to use bold, solid colours in either colouring pencil or felt tip pen. Do not use glitter, shiny card, 3D objects or any other glued on designs. It is also very important that the designs come back flat and are not folded as the photocopier will pick this up too. These designs need to be completed by Friday 21st September. We hope you enjoy making your Christmas card design; we are very excited to see them!

Good luck 3J and 3B!

Year 3 Science Homework for Monday 17th September

Children have a piece of Science homework to complete for the lesson on Monday 17th September – see their homelink book / seperate message stuck in their homelink books for more details. If you have any questions, please see your class teacher by Friday 14th September. Thank you.

Swimming Reminder!

We are going to be able to use our pool next week so we would like to give the children a chance to swim.

Children will need their swimming kit on the days mentioned below:

Monday 9th July Year 3 children will swim in the afternoon.

Tuesday 10th July Year 4 children will swim in the afternoon.

Year 6 did manage to get a swimming session this week so we will arrange for Year 5 to swim next Monday (16th July)

Thank you.

No Homework this week 29.6.18

Dear Parents,

Due to induction days we have not tested the children on last week’s spellings, so we have decided to test them next week on those spellings. As we have had induction days this week, we will not be setting any homework this week.

Kind regards Year 3 teaching team

Year 3 Homework 22.6.18

Summer Yr3 Wk 9 22.6.18

Dear Parents,

Attached above is next week’s spellings and the homework. For homework this week, we would like the children to write acrostic poems for Newport and Birmingham as part of their ‘Towns and Cities’ topic.