Year 3 Pedestrian Training this week

Dear Parents and Carers,

Apologies for the late notice of this email.

Children in each of the Year 3 classes will receive Pedestrian Training this week as follows:

Class 3B – Tuesday

Class 3L – Wednesday

Class 3T – Thursday

The training will be completed within school hours in the classroom all morning, and forms part of our PSHE and wider safeguarding curriculum offer.

Children will then put their training to the test by walking briefly offsite, for about half an hour, in small groups of about 8/9 children, with several adults, to learn how to walk and cross roads safely around Newport.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team

A huge well done to Anya

A huge well done to Anya from 3T, who over the weekend showed one of our 3Cs of Community by litter picking her local area after noticing the amount of rubbish there was whilst on a family walk. She even got her little brother involved in helping her too!

Military Kids Club

Good Afternoon,

Military Kids Club will be taking place in 4N (in the Victorian Block) from 3:15pm tomorrow (6th October). It is open to all children whose parents/carers are currently serving in the Armed Forces or who are Service Veterans.

The aim of the club is to provide wellbeing support and nurture, along with completing fun activities as a group of children who have something in common. Some of the activities we have done previously include, learning the phonetic alphabet, visiting Beech’s Base, Remembrance Day/Armed Forces Day activities and playing games!

I hope to see you tomorrow 🙂

Mrs Naylor

Year 3 Visit to Chetwynd Deer Park

Year 3 had a brilliant, relaxing half day each, visiting the Deer Park over the past few days. We had a trailer / tractor ride up to the top of the park, where we entered the Deer enclosure, which is off limits to the public. The deer were shy for 3B, but 3L and 3T saw plenty! We also talked about food production and farming, and calculated the age of one of the oak trees, which was over 500 years old!


Year 3 Chetwynd Deer Park Visits tomorrow and Wednesday.

Dear Parents and Carers,

As a final reminder about tomorrow, here is the information that was posted in September, about the Deer Park visits for Year 3 children, with a few additions. Each class will spend half a day at the deer park;

IMPORTANT – PARENTAL CONSENT is required for all pupils to attend and this is done through the ParentPay application. If you have not clicked that you consent to your child joining this trip, they will remain in school with another class. Please contact the School Office in the morning if you have not done this or are experiencing problems.

3B – Wednesday 4th morning – 9am- 12pm – Come to school dressed in own clothes (possibly will get muddy) and either old trainers / walking boots. Please bring a Raincoat, a breaktime snack and spare footwear for the afternoon. If you bring a water bottle your child must be responsible for it throughout the trip.

3L – Wednesday 4th afternoon – 12:30pm – 3pm. Come to school dressed in own clothes (possibly will get muddy) and bring either old trainers / walking boots to change into for the trip. Please bring a Raincoat. If you bring a water bottle your child must be responsible for it throughout the trip.

3T Thursday 5th morning – 9am- 12pm – Come to school dressed in own clothes (possibly will get muddy) and either old trainers / walking boots. Please bring a Raincoat, a breaktime snack and spare footwear for the afternoon. If you bring a water bottle your child must be responsible for it throughout the trip.

Here are some important details regarding the trip; please ask your child’s class teacher if you have further questions.

Clothing– Children will be able to come dressed appropriately for the outdoors on the day of their trip; we recommend long trousers and multiple layers due to the time of year. Raincoats are essential. We advise children wear old or ‘muddy’ trainers. Wellington boots are not recommended as we will be walking to the deer park from school. 3B and 3T may wish to bring a change of clothes for the afternoon, but this is at your discretion.

Transport – We will be walking from school to the Deer Park, this is about 30 minutes. We will depart and arrive during school time. Please be patient with 3L, in case we encounter delays due to traffic conditions related to time of return.

Lunch – We will be having lunch at school at the normal time and there will be no change to hot dinners or packed lunch arrangements.

We have enjoyed this trip for many years; it is a great opportunity and we know our Year 3 children will have a great time.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.