Half Term Homework


It would be really useful if children could continue reading at least 3 x a week and recording it in their reading diaries. This week we have spoken to the children about meaningful comments in their reading diary, additional House Points will be given to reward these!

Please could children also continue with Times Table Rock Stars  over the half term.

Above all, we hope you enjoy spending the week with your children 🙂

The Year 4 Team

Year 4 Homework Due 25th October


Please find attached the homework and spellings for this week.

The Emoji homework is all on the same document – 1, 2 and 3 star challenges with answers! The children will have the relevant work sheet for them stuck in their homework book.

Have a lovely week, no homework for half term!

Enjoy 🙂

Spellings Wk 6

Emoji Code Breaking 1 2 and 3 star with answers

Week 8

Year 4 Spellings

Due to the trips this week the spellings have been delayed in being handed out. We have decided not to test the children on the spellings published on the website until next Friday 18th October.

Paper copies of the spellings will be sent out on Monday.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

TTRS Update!

Before the homework message went online, we were still awaiting the children to be placed into their new classes on TTRS.

Thankfully, this has now happened! Therefore, each week on Monday at 6am their homework will go live. This homework is 3 games of sound check and when they log in, they have to complete those games before going on any others.

They have until Friday morning for this as we can check online who has completed it on time.

Thank you!