Christmas Play – Year 4

Exciting times in Year 4 as we began our Christmas play yesterday! If you didn’t already know, the children will be performing ‘Lights Camel Action – The Sequin’.

The children are really enjoying the new songs and dances!

The performance will be on Tuesday 10th December. We would ask that the children arrive for 6pm for a 6:15pm start.

If your child cannot make it to the evening performance, we will require a note to ensure we know who will not be attending.

Many thanks!

The Year 4 Team

Manor Adventure

Parents are reminded that the next payment – following the payment schedule – is now due.

We have had aย waiting list for children wanting to attendย Manor Adventure,ย but I am pleased to say I have spoken to the centre and they have been able to accommodate the extra children.

However, an unexpected place has been made available today – if you would like to take up this option – please get in touch with me. this will be on a first come first served basis – as I am unable to increase the numbers again!


Mr M