Week Commencing 2nd December 2024

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K Mrs Yates PM Mrs O 5OP

Mr P 5P

Beeches Base 5OP 5OP Spare shoes
Tuesday     Swimming  
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates PM

5OP Mrs H PM

Thursday 5K Mrs Henderson Mrs P 5OP    
Friday   Mrs P 5OP Christmas Games  

Change to swimming days Yr 6 & Yr 5

Please be aware that next week Year 6 will be swimming on Monday and Year 5 will be swimming on Tuesday.

Monday 2nd – Yr 6

Tuesday 3rd – Yr 5

After that, it will revert back to normal days.

Many thanks.

5OP Beeches Base!

Good afternoon,

Please note that 5OP will be attending Beeches Base on MONDAY 2ND DECEMBER (as re-arranged from October).

The children can attend school in their outdoor clothes so they are ready for the afternoon. Children should come to school in appropriate footwear and they can change into wellies etc for the session.

Keep an eye on the weather… last week we had snow, this week sunshine and rain! Therefore, the children will need to be prepared for all weather types.

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw

Reminder to all children for Tamworth Castle

Reminder that children will need to bring a packed lunch, coat and water bottle tomorrow. They will need to be in uniform and comfortable shoes.

If your child suffers with travel sickness, can they take the tablet before? If they need one tablet for journey back, can they bring it with them?

Week beginning 25.11.24

We have a very busy week planned!

A quick reminder about Monday

Monday- Girls are welcome to bring a packed lunch to the Girls High, but we have been offered a free lunch  – sausage and mash or pizza, beans and wedges, salad bar.  There are a number of puddings to pick from including muffins and brownies.

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K – Mrs Yates in the afternoon Boys – with Mr Parker All girls visiting Newport Girls High Boys – swimming kits

Girls – coat, water bottle, snack,

Tuesday 5OP – with Mr Lawson All classes visiting Tamworth Castle
Wednesday 5K – Mrs Yates in the afternoon 5OP – Mrs Ollerenshaw
Thursday 5OP – Mrs Henderson in the afternoon 5OP – Mrs Parker
Friday 5OP – Mrs Parker


Yr 5 Arthog Residential

After reviewing our numbers, we have 5 places more than we thought for our Yr 5 Arthog residential.

Please contact njs.admin@taw.org.uk if you would like your child to take up one of these places.

If you require any information about this residential then please contact me on ben.moody@taw.org.uk


Mr M


Good afternoon,

Please could we ask anyone who has not given permission for the upcoming trips to do so ASAP.

Monday 25th November – Trip to Girls High (Boys will remain at school). 

Tuesday 26th November – Tamworth Castle (All children). 

Thank you to everyone who has given permission so far.

The Year 5 Team.

Events for the week beginning 18.11.24

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5P Mrs Henderson in the

5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5OP: Mrs O All Y5 classes Swimming  

Swimming kit

Tuesday 5K with Ms Branton in the morning 5OP: Mrs O All Y5 Eat well workshops PE kits in for the week
Wednesday 5OP Afternoon with Mrs Henderson

5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5OP: Mrs O  


Thursday 5K with Mrs Henderson All Y5 classes Library Library book!
Friday 5K with Mrs Yates all day 5OP: Mrs Parker (Thursday and Friday)