6J at Beech’s Base

Today at Beech’s Base 6J visited. Our theme was ‘Fairtrade’ linked to geographical work in class.  We explored the how this began and why.  The children made Rice Krispie cakes which linked to Fairtrade chocolate. As part of the topic the children roleplayed a trading style game and thoroughly enjoyed it 🙂

Well done for a super day 6J!

Mrs K 🙂 x

Y6 swimming MONDAY

Please remember that just for Monday 16th January, year 6 will be swimming on Monday, instead of the usual Tuesday. It will go back to Tuesday the week after. Thanks everyone.

Y6 church visit Tuesday

If you have not already given permission for your child to visit Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday morning, please could we ask you to go onto ParentPay and give consent. Many thanks, Mrs B

6B Beech’s Base

Just a quick reminder that 6B are at Beech’s Base all day Monday. They will be swimming first thing, and so need to remember to bring their swimming kits and spare clothes and shoes.