NJS Online Safety newsletter March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Online Safety Newsletter March 2022_Newport PDF

Online Safety Newsletter March 2022_Newport

Please find attached this month’s Online Safety newsletter. Topics covered include:

  • Poppy Playtime – a game with older themes (Huggy Wuggy) – see this link
  • Smart watches / fitness trackers – risks and benefits
  • Supporting young people with SEND online
  • Snapchat – risks and awareness
  • APPs for learning and fun: White Rose 1 minute maths, Scratch Junior, Wonderscope, InShot video editor

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler

Year 3 lost belongings

Dear parents and carers,

As we are taking part in many activities which require children to change their clothes, please check that your child’s clothing and belongings are clearly labelled with their name and class, and that they have brought home their own clothing today.

3B Boys
Following swimming today, Dexter in 3B has had his trousers taken by another child. Please could all parents of 3B boys check their child’s trousers belong to them?

Swimming Kits

Harry in 3B has lost a swimming kit, in a royal blue bag. Please could you check to see that your child does not have this? If so please return it ASAP. Thank you.

Finally, we are searching for some Spider-Man wellies which have gone missing. Please return them if you find them and they do not belong to your child.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Year 3 team.

Class 3B Beech’s Base Wednesday 2nd February

Dear Parents and Carers,

Tomorrow, children in 3B need to come to school dressed for Beech’s Base, as we will be spending the day outdoors. They should wear warm clothing, waterproofs and wellies, or suitable footwear for muddy conditions

Children need to also bring:

  • a drink
  • a change of clothing and footwear for going inside, as  they will eat lunch in the dinner hall in the usual way.
  • a smile!

Hopefully, the weather will continue to be kind to us!

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

NJS Online Safety newsletter December 2021 (belated!)

Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year and apologies to you all for the late posting of this newsletter.

Online Safety Newsletter Dec 2021_Newport PDF

Online Safety Newsletter Dec 2021_Newport

Please find attached the December 2021 NJS Online Safety newsletter, which covers the following topics:

  • Helping my autistic child stay safe online.
  • Is your child getting their first phone?
  • Parental controls – revisited for Nintendo, PS5, XBox, iPhones/iPads, Google play.
  • Online games with chat.
  • A guide to location settings.
  • My family’s digital toolkit.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Year 3 Homework and Spellings Autumn 2nd half 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2021

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2021 PDF

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Please find attached the homework and spellings sheet for this half term. We will be testing the children on their spellings sometime on or after Wednesday 8th December. 

On the sheet, you will find details of their English, Maths and Foundation  project to complete this half term. Please try to encourage your child to complete a small amount for the project each week, and not to leave things until the last minute!

We also ask you to encourage your child to form good learning habits, by practicing Times Tables little and often, using TTRS regularly or by some other means, reading every day, and at least weekly for the spellings. This can be rewarded at home, and will definitely be rewarded in school!

Thank you for your continuing support,

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team