Year 3 Homework books

Dear Parents,

We intend to give out homework for this half term tomorrow. Children will therefore need to bring in their orange Homework Book, to stick in any spellings or worksheets given out.

This is NOT the home learning book issued before or during lockdown (some of these may have been orange), which was used for online lessons.

If you are unable to locate their orange Homework Book, please let us know, so we can provide your child with another one.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Class 3B World Book Day Parade

Dear parents,

Thank you to all children who dressed up as their favourite book character (and parents who helped them!). You all looked fabulous! Congratulations (for dressing up online at home) to Isla, Ivy, Ewan, Annabelle and Emily.

Here is a selection of photos, including their supply teacher for the day… (apologies for the resolution!)


Book Week next week (and the final week (hopefully) of online teaching…!)

Dear Parents, Children and Carers of Year 3,

We would like to tell you that we are so proud of all of you – you have worked so hard and tried your very best over the past two months to get the work done, sometimes under very difficult circumstances. Let’s hope the above message is really true, and that this is the final week of online teaching coming up!

With that in mind, this message is to inform you of two changes about next week’s online lessons on Wednesday and Thursday in Year 3. This lesson replaces the usual online reading lesson with Mr Butler on Wednesday and the Maths lesson with Miss Watson on Thursday.

Firstly, on Wednesday 3rd March, all online lessons will take place from 9am-10am, with your child’s class teacher and any children in school from your child’s class. This is a bit of a ‘social’ / PSHE style lesson and a chance for children to ask questions and discuss things with their teacher, plus take part in a few ‘fun’ activities – possibly related to books!

Secondly, you may already know that each year, on World Book Day (Thursday 4th March this year), we invite children to dress up as their favourite book character and come to school or online lessons dressed up. We usually have a parade of costumes and a big assembly in the hall. Obviously this assembly won’t be possible next week on Thursday (1 week today). However, we are hoping that all children (and their teachers!) will still be able to dress as their favourite character and come to school / online lessons in costume.

Therefore, on Thursday 4th March as well, online lessons will all take place at the same time of 9am-10am, with your own class teacher again. This will be to ‘parade’ our book day costumes and chat about our books and costumes, share favourite books, poems, reading ideas and one or two other activities related to book week. Remember to bring any books or resources you want to share with other people to the lesson – perhaps a funny poem or a book you enjoyed by an author you haven’t read before etc.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the Year 3 email:

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team


Year 3 PE kits

Dear parents,

As we are now required to be in school in uniform again, some children are not suitably dressed for PE any more. Therefore, please could you send children in with their PE kit bags on a Monday, to leave in school and take home on a Friday?

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 TTRS new battle

Dear all,

Get involved in this week’s TTRS battle – Year 3 boys vs Year 3 girls!

Currently, the boys are just edging it, but that could all change – come on girls!

The battle will end at 14:35 on Friday this week, so get playing!


Mr B.

Year 3 Home Learning pack for 11.2.21

Dear Parents,

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 11.02.21 PDF

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 11.02.21

Nearly there! Not quite half term yet, but as I won’t be in class again this week, on behalf of myself and the Year 3 Team, I just wanted to say this to the children:

Children, we are continually impressed with the huge effort you are all putting in. It is very rewarding for us to see all your hard work in the online lessons, plus emails of your completed work.

Remember that even when it isn’t easy, in the end, it WILL be worth it. Keep asking your parents to send in photos of work done – it really helps us to know we are helping you to achieve.

We really miss you all, and, of course, teaching you in person – we can’t wait for you to all be back in class!

So from us all in Year 3, a massive WELL DONE, and stay safe and well over half term!

Kind regards,

Mr Butler & the whole Year 3 Team.

Year 3 suspension of Spellings and Homework this half term

Dear Parents,

Following a review, there will be no requirement for Year 3 children to complete the spelling test and homework issued earlier this term.

Instead, work will be completed in class over the coming weeks, via the home learning resources, as an English focus. We hope this reduces any anxiety around this.

Apologies if you have already completed work on this, but at least it will stand your child in good stead for when we do return to school. Please send in photos of this work if you would like us to respond to it.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.