Year 3 Home School Provision Friday 15th January

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the home learning for Friday 15th January:

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 15.01.21

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 15.01.21 PDF

Here are some supporting slides for Friday’s English lesson:

Year 3 Home School Provision English Intro slides 15.1.21

Year 3 Home School Provision English Intro slides 15.1.21 PDF

And here are some supporting slides for the Art Online lesson today:

Roman Mosaic Art Slides Friday 15th upload

Roman Mosaic Templates Friday 15th upload

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Reading / Phonics app FREE until 17th January

Dear Parents,

I would like to inform you of a free offer currently available from The Usborne Foundation, a charity, for their brilliant app, Teach your Monster to Read. This is a phonics-focussed app, which we use in school, to support children who need extra help with reading and blending letter sounds.

It is permanently free on their website, but the app is also currently free too (normally £4.99). There are absolutely no in-app purchases or adverts, so get yourself onto the app store and download it by Sunday 17th January for free! It will continue to be free on the device you download it onto, even after this date.

Please click on the link below for further information. Sign up on the website first, to get a logon for your child, then either continue on your computer, or download the app to a different device and use the same logon you just created.

Sign Up and Play – Teach Your Monster to Read

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Year 3 Home Learning Thursday 7.1.21

Dear Parents and Children of Year 3,

Please find attached the Home Learning for Thursday 7.1.21.

PDF version:

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 07.01.21

PowerPoint Version:

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 07.01.21

You should also receive an invite to tomorrow’s online Teams lesson for your child’s class.

Also attached below is the year 3 homework for this half term. Hopefully we will try to do as much of this as is practicable.

Word Version:

Homework for Spring 1st half 2021

PDF Version:

Homework for Spring 1st half 2021

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

For the spellings, please help your children to learn them, and test them towards the date suggested, submitting a photo of their scores. Use the spelling menu document for ideas.

The Times Tables maths objectives can be taught using the suggested websites or TTRS, plus the children could find some calculations to complete (TU x U and HTU x U) with your support, using the methods shown on the homework sheet.

For the Roman homework, this is an open-ended project, which really has only one rule – it needs to be about the Romans! Please use the suggestions on the sheet attached, if you are stuck for ideas.

Any questions or work to share,  please email on

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 6 Home Learning 6.1.21

Welcome back Y6, albeit not the New Year nor new term we expected.  We sincerely hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas break!

Home Learning will be posted online daily and one lesson will be delivered online by one of the three Y6 teachers.  Today’s lesson is being done by Mr Jones.

All completed work and work related questions can be directed to

Any individual questions regarding your child can be directed towards class teachers:

Today’s home learning is as follows:

Literacy – identifying genre features

UNANNOTATED – Diary entry

Lesson 1 06.01.21

Maths – multiplication –  recap of skills

Maths Wk 1

Reading – book review of something read over the Christmas holidays.

To write a book review 06.01.21

Wellbeing – complete the gratitude heart.

gratitude heart

Children are expected to complete work in home learning books provided before the Christmas break.  If anyone should require a new book please contact the school office and we will arrange for an alternative book to be placed in the drop box at the school gate.  Please encourage your child to keep their book tidy and present work to a high standard.

Take care of yourself!

Year 6 team x

Year 3 Home Learning 6.1.21

Dear Parents,

Firstly, Happy New Year to you all – another year, another lockdown! Hopefully, this mail finds you fit and well.

Year 3 PDF Home School Provision Daily Pack 06.01.21

Year 3 PPT Home School Provision Daily Pack 06.01.21

Attached are the slides for Wednesday’s home learning. All of the online lessons to be delivered this term will be via Microsoft Teams. Please keep an eye out for an email invitation to your child’s Teams lesson for tomorrow at 10am. These will be sent on a daily basis for the following day, but times may vary for the live lessons.

Your child’s lesson tomorrow will be with their class teacher, to check in following their holidays, complete a live lesson and explain what will be happening and how to use Teams correctly and effectively. They will receive one hour of live lessons per day, with activities to last approximately 3hrs each day.

Mrs Moody will send further explanation in due course.

For this Lockdown, email communication will be via the following email address, for uploading work, feedback and work-related issues:

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.


Year 3 Deer Park visit clarification

Dear Parents,

Following several emails from parents, this message should clarify clothing requirements for this Friday 11th December in Year 3.

There are two groups going to the Deer Park on Friday, Group 1 in the morning and Group 2 in the afternoon.

Group 1 – Children who are going in the morning need to come to school dressed to go to the Deer Park, with their school clothing and shoes in a bag, to change into for the afternoon in school.

Group 2 – Children who are going in the afternoon need to come to school dressed to go to the Deer Park for the whole day. They do not need to wear school uniform at all, or bring it with them. This is because they will go straight home after their Deer Park visit.

As it is also National Christmas Jumper Day this Friday, children can also choose to wear their jumper too.

Please contact us if you need any further clarification.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Class 3B – Bring Xmas Jumper tomorrow – if you have one!

Dear Parents of Class 3B only,

Please could children in Class 3B bring in their Christmas jumpers tomorrow? We need to do one final take for the Christmas performance, tomorrow.

If you don’t have one, please don’t worry. We have a few spares to use.

Children still can wear their Christmas jumpers on Friday 11th (National Christmas Jumper Day) as well.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler

Year 3 Christmas Play clothing / costumes

Dear Parents,

Due to the nature and format of the Christmas play this year (YouTube video), it is taking considerably longer to prepare and film.

Therefore, if they are ready, please send in your children’s costumes tomorrow morning, so we can start filming tomorrow.

ALL children who do not have an acting part, need to bring in a Christmas jumper TOMORROW, or a jumper that is warm and woolly.

This will need to stay in school until filming is complete, for a week or so. If you don’t have one, please just send them in with a non-school uniform jumper in a bag, and we will ‘tinsel’ it up!

We appreciate the really short notice, but please do your best. Also, please share this message with other parents that you may know in Year 3.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.