6K and 6J Beech’s Base Visits this Week

Due to the weather and amount of water in Beech’s Base – all children from 6K and 6J need to wear wellies. This weeks activities will take place partially in Beech’s Base and partially on the school field due to the ever changing weather conditions.

Mr M

Year 4 Key Reminders for Spring 2024

Please find some key reminders for the Spring Term:

Monday – Please bring PE kits with trainers, 4M PE day 1
Tuesday – 4N & 4OP PE day 1
Wednesday – 4M PE day 2, Homework (handwriting and times tables) due in.
Thursday –
Friday – 4N & 4OP PE day 2, Homework is given out.

We ask that PE kits follow the school policy for PE wear, but the children also bring outdoor trainers and a sweater, as we may do PE outside.

We are not swimming until after half term.

Please find below our curriculum overview for the Spring term:

Many thanks

Team Yr 4