Cross country information

This is a message to all parents involved in this years cross country races.

The events start tomorrow at the Chetwynd Deer park with races starting at 4.30. While the event is only up the road it can be difficult to enter the grounds and access it through Newport at normal school finishing time. Taking this into consideration we are happy for parents to collect their children at 3 pm from the school office. This may be an opportunity for children to have a snack and enter the grounds with enough time before their race.

For parents who have not participated before, we are all a very friendly bunch and please feel free to ask myself, the team or any veteran parent any questions. After parking please head down into the deer park where you will see a long row of schools setting up, we have a large school banner to mark out where NJS will be meeting, which I will leave in the trusted hands of a parent to set up (at least try to) as staff will not be leaving school until 3.30. Once we feel the majority of runners have arrived I will happily debrief all children and parents on the running of the event.

Please refer to the letter from Telford and Wrekin regarding spectator rules, I have been contacted to remind parents there is no access onto the running track and we may not run around the outside of the course with our children. leave the hard work to the runners!

Please ensure you are mindful of the weather, there is a great forecast for tomorrow so please ensure runners have adequate water and maybe a snack to refuel. Sun cream is also advised as it can be a long time without shelter and please bring a warm layer in case it drops cooler towards the end of the event. Children should bring running clothes to school to change into before being picked up however we have specific cross country tops I will be handing out before each race.

Hopefully I have covered everything, I will not be available to talk to this evening due to parents evening but feel free to catch me in  my classroom on Wednesday morning if you have any burning questions.

REMINDER- There is no cross country/Games/Athletics club this week or next week.


5L class assembly

Practise is in full swing for Fridays assembly. I am very impressed with the way 5L have learnt their lines and jumped feet first into their time on stage.

We are looking forward to performing in front of the whole school and those parents who can make it.

I wanted to remind those parents joining us for the assembly, we will be starting at 14.50 sharp (as it is quite long at the moment) so please aim to be at school slightly earlier, so we can all be ready in our seats.

Many thanks,

Mr Lawson


5L Mayor visit

What a privilege we have had today. Through work in PSHE last term where our class looked at how we could improve our local community, and laid these ideas in letters to the council. We were very delighted to welcome the Newport Mayor councillor Peter Scott into our classroom.

He came in to discuss the issues we had raised and find out more about what affects the young people of Newport. After discussing a wide range of issues from littering to antisocial behaviour it was great to know that our ideas had been listened to and find out what is done in the wider community.

He was also joined by PC Walker-Shale who is a regular visitor to NJS to share the hard work of police and their links to the community.

It was a pleasure to see 5L listening and asking mature questions which was noted by Mayor Peter Scott himself, they were a credit to our school and the community.

we also need to thank Ms Branton for her hard work in delivering these PSHE lessons and creating a link to our local government.


5L clay- uniform beware

It will be 5L’s turn to use the clay to create our William Morris inspired tiles tomorrow morning (5/12/18).

I have already spoken to the children and I would like to suggest they bring in an old t-shirt/jumper they can wear to help protect their uniform. They will be offered art shirts however these are not always 100% protective.

cheers for your support,

Mr Lawson

Games/Athletics 28/11/18 – Cancelled

It is with great regret I am going to have to cancel our final games club of the year  this Wednesday (28/11).  Due to personal reasons I will not be able to run the final session.

I would like to thanks all pupils who have participated in the club through all weathers and been extremely engaged. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have running it.

I look forward to seeing many of you join me for another club in the coming new year.

All the best,

Mr Lawson

Sensational science at BBS

Today we had the privilege of visiting Burton Borough School for the morning to learn some exciting new things in science.

We enjoyed some exciting rocket making before sending them off into the sky using the power of air. We learnt about acids and alkali’s by creating a fizzing rainbow. And we became alien detectives by analyzing blood samples to discover who wasn’t who they claimed to be.

What a great morning!

We all learnt loads, enjoyed ourselves and behaved impeccably. Well done year 5 it was great to see you fixated in your science.

From the year 5 team.

Athletics club 20/06/18- Cancelled

To all it may concern.

I wanted to confirm and remind all pupils and parents that there will be no athletics club this Wednesday (20/6/18).

This is because of the Disco being held at the same time.

So bring your dancing shoes this Wednesday and we will meet again  next week as normal.

All the best,

Mr Lawson

Year 5 spellings and homework

Here are the spellings for this week. Y5 HWK 25.05

Learn you spelling list ready for a test on Thursday.

Take time to practice the 3 and 7 timetables.

This weeks homework relates to the recent work we have done in literacy and the upcoming open lunch on Monday 18th June. We would like you to start thinking about the positives and negatives of using the internet and ‘going online’.

This can be done in many way. You may wish to display your ideas in list form or as a poster. Alternatively you may just wish to have a discussion with family and friends, collecting information you will be ready to share on Monday during our open lunch.

Enjoy your weekend,

Year 5 team


Y5 HWK 25/05/18

Over this well deserved half term break we would like year 5 to think more about their topic ‘reduce, reuse recycle ‘.

Y5 HWK 25.05

We would like you to look around your home; in the cupboards, the pantry and even the bin and make a table sorting items into a recyclable and non recyclable column.

Hopefully you can find a few extra things that might find their way into the recycling bin in the future.

Also, learn your given spellings and find a definition for each.

Last but not least make sure you have a fantastic week off! lets keep our fingers crossed for sun!

All the best,

Year 5 team

5L Crime writing day

Today we had a scandal!

We found our library had been broken into and all the laptops and kindles had been stolen.

With this knowledge we scrapped our plan for the day and started to look at writing a crime report. We researched fingerprints and took our own before visiting the crime scene. Many members of staff were accused throughout the day with the children justifying their accusations with evidence (including myself!!!)

The day inspired some fantastic writing and engaging  conversation all day before Mr Rotherham announced the perpetrator was our very own Mr Parker.

Here are a few pictures of the brilliant day.