T&W Music Lesson Meet and Greet!

Hello parents/carers,

Telford and Wrekin will be delivering an assembly to all children tomorrow regarding the possibility of starting music lessons! They will be having a meet and greet opportunity straight at the end of the school day in the school hall. This will be the time to make an enquiry in person or find out more information.

If you would like to attend the meet and greet, please pick up your child as normal and head straight to the hall. 

See the letter below for more information:
Newport assembly 11th November

Many thanks,
Mrs Ollerenshaw

5OP – English

Well done 5OP! They were all fantastic in English today as they discovered a new technique called ‘show don’t tell’. This is where the children show an emotion through body language, facial expressions and actions rather than telling the audience directly.

Here are just some of the brilliant examples…

Viking Jewellery in Year 5!

The children who remained at school today completed a very tricky task of making Viking Jewellery. This is to go alongside out art and history topics!
The children showed great determination to not give up and lots were helping one another with the tricky process.
Once they got the hang of it, they were absolute stars!

5OP Eatwell Session!

We have had a brilliant session this afternoon looking at how we can eatwell. We discovered lots of facts about food and food groups and why it is important to have a balanced meal.

Well done 5OP!

WOW Work in 5OP!

Wow…wow…wow… what a morning we have had in 5OP! The children were absolutely amazing as they’ve created a newspaper article explaining the Viking raid in Lindisfarne. We looked at what a good newspaper report would look like so we could try our own. All of the children were invested in the story of Lindisfarne and how it such an important part of history.

Here are a few examples of the reports created:

Year 5 TRIP!

Please find the attached letter about our upcoming trip to Tamworth Castle – Tuesday 26th November! All the details can be found on the letter which the children will bring a copy of home today.

It is up and running on parent pay for you!

Tamworth Castle Letter 26.11.24

Many thanks,

Mrs Kerr, Mrs Ollerenshaw, Mrs Parker and Mr Parker

Eat well food diary – for Monday 7th/Tuesday 8th October

The children in year 5 will be coming home with a blank food diary. Please can you encourage them to add what they eat over the next week ready for the workshop.

Please find an image of the diary below…

Year 5 and 6 – BBS music assembly!

What a fantastic assembly year 5 and 6 had this afternoon with some staff from BBS. They were lucky enough to listen to some different instruments from the woodwind and brass families! Some children were even able to learn Mary had a little lamb in 5 minutes!

We will shortly be sending home letters for anyone who would be interested in lessons with a woodwind or brass instrument.

A big thank you to BBS for coming to our school! We all loved it!

5OP Beech’s Base Change!

Good afternoon,

Please note that children in 5OP will now visit Beech’s Base on MONDAY 2ND DECEMBER instead of Wednesday 23rd October. This is due to a clash with parent’s afternoon.

I will send some reminders near the time!

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw

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