6B at Beech’s Base

Just before half term 6B have had their first visit of the year to Beech’s Base… I hope they really enjoyed their day.

We had a Tudor theme so began with ordering events on a timeline and discussing this era. The activities the children participated included creating Tudor Currency using natural objects, a Tudor Rose Suncatcher, playing Medievapoly. During the afternoon we made Tudor Gingered Bread using the fire to melt some of the ingredients!

Thanks for a wonderful day 6B

Mrs K x πŸ™‚

19.10.22 6B


5W at Beech’s Base

5W have had their first visit to Beech’s Base … I hope they really enjoyed their day.

Our theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our Geography topic – Resources.. We discussed what this meant and how we can use resources from the environment. Some of the vocabulary included being sustainable.Β  Today’s activities included Bird Watching, Purifying water, Den Building, Leaf Printing and charcoal drawing. We cooked baked beans over the fire and ate with bread :).

Thanks for a super day 5W

Mrs K x πŸ™‚




4P at Beech’s Base

4P have had their first visit to Beech’s Base … I hope they really enjoyed their day.

Our theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our History topic – The Victorians. We discussed when this period of time existed and how life would have been like. Some of the activities included exploring Optical Illusion images, Den Building and Creating Peg Dolls. Some children used sticks and even added hats to their dolls with the tops from acorns. A great use of the Autumnal outdoor learning environment. Some of the children participated in an Autumn gardening clear out. They made such a fab job! Thanks 4P :). Finally, we finished with porridge cooked over the fire!

Thanks for a super day 4P

Mrs K x πŸ™‚

Beech’s Base – No Nurture Groups Wednesday 19th October 2022

Good Evening all

Just a reminder there are no Nurture Groups running tomorrow at Beech’s Base πŸ™‚

Have a lovely half term and see you on Wednesday 2nd November!

Mrs K x


Year 3 Parent’s Workshop Sessions at Beech’s Base

Beech’s Base hosted Parent Workshops for Year 3 families πŸ™‚ It was great to see the children interacting with their adults and having fun!

The activities included making stick dolls, writing poems, creating concoctions in the Science lab, making bird feeders and planting acorns.

Thanks very much for coming along and I hope you enjoyed it.

Mrs K πŸ™‚ x

(Photos to follow… Technical issue!!




4M at Beech’s Base

4M have had their first visit to Beech’s Base … I hope they really enjoyed their day.

Our theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our History topic – The Victorians. We discussed when this period of time existed and how life would have been like. Some of the activities included exploring Optical Illusion images, Den Building and Creating Peg Dolls. Some children used sticks and even added hats to their dolls with the tops from acorns. A great use of the Autumnal outdoor learning environment. Some of the children participated in an Autumn gardening clear out. They made such a fab job! Thanks 4M :). Finally, we finished with porridge cooked over the fire!

Thanks for a super day 4M

Mrs K x πŸ™‚


5PJ at Beech’s Base

5PJ have had their first visit to Beech’s Base … I hope they really enjoyed their day.

Our theme for Forest Fun today was linked to ourΒ  Geography topic – Resources.. We discussed what this meant and how we can use resources from the environment. Some of the vocabulary included being efficient and effective.Β  Today’s activities included Purifying water, Den Building, Leaf Printing and Acorn painting. The children developed a game where they created a currency using acorns this helped demonstrate how trading helped with being sustainable . We cooked baked beans over the fire and ate with bread :).

Thanks for a super day 4J

Mrs K x πŸ™‚



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