Beech’s Base – Reminder for kit – 5TM and 6K

Good Morning!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Next week we will be inviting the following classes to Beech’s Base.  Half of the designated class will visit in the morning and half will go in the afternoon.

The classes which will visit next week are as follows:

Monday 18th October – 5TM

Tuesday 19th October – 6K (Children will still meet and attend church we will start the session on their return to school)

Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):

  • Old clothing (Even if the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles, likewise layers to wrap up if it is cold please)
  • Layers to keep warm!
  • Gloves
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet/ Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Carrier bag for wet/dirty clothing
  • Clothing to change into after their session. Uniform not required on this day.

Thank you for being patient, I can’t wait to get the children over to Beech’s Base and get stuck in! Further information will be communicated with dates for when other classes will visit.

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Beech’s Base – Head Teacher’s Award Children

Good Afternoon

Congratulations to the children who received a Head Teacher’s Award yesterday. These children are invited to Beech’s Base on Monday lunchtime, they can arrive in school uniform as time will be given to change. Hopefully you received your invite outlining what you need to bring but here is a brief reminder:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Old clothing (Even though the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles)
  • Packed Lunch
  • Your invite
  • Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will change after their session, this can be into another pair of old clothes and footwear rather than uniform to save it getting muddy!

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Year 3 Parent Workshops

Good Afternoon Year 3

Please could any outstanding slips be returned ASAP (Monday) so that a time can be allocated to you for the Parent Workshops at Beech’s Base 🙂

If you have any questions at all, please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Beech’s Base – Week Beginning 18th October 2021

Good Morning!

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. Next week we will be inviting the following classes to Beech’s Base.  Half of the designated class will visit in the morning and half will go in the afternoon.

The classes which will visit next week are as follows:

Monday 18th October – 5TM

Tuesday 19th October – 6K (Children will still meet and attend church we will start the session on their return to school)

Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):

  • Old clothing (Even if the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles, likewise layers to wrap up if it is cold please)
  • Gloves
  • Layers to keep warm!
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet/ Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Carrier bag for wet/dirty clothing
  • Clothing to change into after their session. Uniform not required on this day.

Thank you for being patient, I can’t wait to get the children over to Beech’s Base and get stuck in! Further information will be communicated with dates for when other classes will visit.

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Head Teacher’s Award Lunch

Good Morning

Congratulations to the children who received a Head Teacher’s Award yesterday. These children are invited to Beech’s Base on Monday lunchtime, they can arrive in school uniform as time will be given to change. Hopefully you received your invite outlining what you need to bring but here is a brief reminder:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Old clothing (Children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles)
  • Packed Lunch
  • Your invite
  • Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will change after their session, this can be into another pair of old clothes and footwear rather than uniform to save it getting muddy!

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Beech’s Base – Reminder for 6J and 4P

Good Morning!

I hope you have all having a lovely weekend. Next week the following classes will be invited to Beech’s Base.  Half of the designated class will visit in the morning and half will go in the afternoon.

The classes which will visit next week are as follows:

Tuesday 5th October – 6J

Wednesday 6th October – 4P

Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):

  • Old clothing (Even if the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles, likewise layers to wrap up if it is cold please)
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet.
  • Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Clothing to change into after their session. Uniform not required on this day.

Thank you for being patient, I can’t wait to get the children over to Beech’s Base and get stuck in! Further information will be communicated with dates for when other classes will visit.

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Beech’s Base – 6J and 4P Visit Next Week!!

Good Morning!

I hope you have all well. Next week the following classes will be invited to Beech’s Base.  Half of the designated class will visit in the morning and half will go in the afternoon.

The classes which will visit next week are as follows:

Tuesday 5th October – 6J

Wednesday 6th October – 4P

Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):

  • Old clothing (Even if the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles, likewise layers to wrap up if it is cold please)
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet.
  • Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Clothing to change into after their session. Uniform not required on this day.

Thank you for being patient, I can’t wait to get the children over to Beech’s Base and get stuck in! Further information will be communicated with dates for when other classes will visit.

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Beech’s Base – Message for 3B

Good Evening 🙂

As we have school photos on Wednesday, please could children arrive in school in their uniforms. The children will have their school photos taken and then change into their outdoor clothes after.

A reminder of what they need to bring is below:

  • Old clothing (Even if the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles, likewise layers to wrap up if it is cold please)
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet.
  • Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag with:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Clothing to change into after their session or uniform can be worn.

Thank you for being patient, I can’t wait to get the children over to Beech’s Base and get stuck in! Further information will be communicated with dates for when other classes will visit.

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska