Year 4 TTRS Battle!

Details are below!

4OP v 4M v 4N

  • Begins at 4.30pm today 26/01/24
  • Ends at 4.30pm on 01/02/24
  • Daily time limit of 30 minutes per child (any points earned during the first 30 minutes played on any game mode will count towards the competition total for their class.)

We can’t wait to see which class will be victorious and who each classes most valuable players will be πŸ™‚

Year 3 v Year 4 TTRS Battle

Good Evening,

The next TTRS battle is now live between Year 3 v Year 4. To support pupil wellbeing, there will be a daily time limit of 30 minutes per child.

Which year group will be victorious? …. Who will be the most valuable member of their class? …. Who will be crowned top of their year group?

Find out next week when the competition closes!

England Rocks – Results!

A huge well done and congratulations to all the children who took part in the England Rocks Competition on TTRS.

Special mentions to 1st place class: 5M, 2nd place class: 5J and 3rd place class: 6J πŸ™‚

Some phenomenal individual results were recorded and children will receive certificates next week for their efforts.

Certificates to be given out are –

  • Top 3 classes in the school (based on average score).
  • Top 3 students in the school.
  • Top 3 students in each class.

We will publish the full results once the children have received their certificates πŸ™‚

4N Area in Maths

Today, 4N began a new maths topic on ‘Area’ and challenged me to create as many 2D shapes as possible that had an area of 6 cubes! The children also did the same task, creating different shapes with 4 cubes. Here are just some of the possible options with 6 cubes!