WANTED: biographies/autobiographies for Year 5

Following Future Me Day and Raising Aspirations week, we are starting a new English unit in Year 5 next week based on biographies. If any Year 5 parents have any biographies or autobiographies that they would be happy sending to school with their child, we would be really grateful. It will help the children understand the genre if they have some real ones to look at. Thanks!

5H Clay!

5H have had a wonderful morning getting incredibly messy making William Morris style tiles with clay. They had a great time and worked so hard, especially at the mammoth clean up task afterwards! Well done team xxx

(Disclaimer: an hour after these photos were taken, tables, arms, faces and and clothes did not look this clean!)

5H homework apology

Apologies – I didn’t send home last week’s homework on Friday with 5H. I have given it out today so that you and they can see what it was. If your child wishes to do this homework then they are of course welcome to. However, I do not expect them to do it because I know that most of them like to do it at the weekend, and this weekend they will have homework for this week! There will not be a spelling test this week because of this, but of course the children are welcome to learn and practise the words if they wish. Many thanks, Miss H.