Year 6 Home Learning Thursday 7th

Hi Year 6

Here are your home learning slides for English.Thursday slides

Here are your maths slides for today: this is all about art in maths. Looking at some famous artists, impossible drawings and getting you to have a go at creating your own piece of art work linked to maths. Think about the shape, angles and patterns you can spot.
drawing_impossible_objects thursday
Shape in Art thursday (instructions on this one)

Your teacher would love to see any of your art work that you wanted to share.

Stay Safe.

Year 6 TTRS Battle


After being thoroughly humiliated all week, loosing by almost double, the Year 6 boys are now beating the Year 6 girls!

Boys: 23,244 v Girls: 22,026

What an incredible effort by the boys over the last 24 hours to claw their way back from what looked to be a certain defeat.

You should ALL be so proud of your efforts in helping out your team – they are both amazing scores!

Top Boy – Nolan Hull (6J) 7,564 points

Top Girl – Annie Murphy (6S) 7,030 points

Just a reminder that this battle will finish at 18:00 tomorrow! This is going to be very, very close!

Mr J



Year 6 Home Learning Thursday 30th

Good Evening Year 6,

Here is your Home Learning for Thursday 30th April.
Thursday slides

There are some brilliant practical activities for you in maths – all about FOOD!

A big thank you to Isla in 3P for sending me in her favourite maths jokes:

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 ate nine!

And a big well done to Edward in 6J for his experiments with removing sand and salt from water – some great pictures!

Mr J will leave you with this classic for today…

What do you call an empty parrot’s cage?



Have a great day and stay safe.

Year 6 Home Learning Wednesday 29th

Hi Y6,

Hope you and your families are all keeping safe this week.

Huge WELL DONE to the Y6 girls who are mercilessly destroying the Y6 boys in the TTRS battle – Boys: 6,060 v Girls: 11,727 … Oh dear, boys!!

Big well done to Evren Inan (6J) and Sasha Coombes (6J) who have both been helping their sides out with some big scoring!

Below is your home learning for tomorrow – Wednesday 29th

Wednesday slides – normal home learning slides

wednesday HL – maths activity

wednesday HL ppt version – power point version of maths activity for those without Adobe.

There is a reasoning focus for Maths today. Have a go at convincing me which one is the odd one out. Choose 3 or 4 questions from the sheet to have a go at solving. If you have any photographs of outstanding reasoning then Mr J would love to see them:

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Year 6 Home Learning Tuesday 28th

Hello Year 6.

Great to see so many of you getting some coins on TTRS today! I’ve attached the leader board so far so you can have a look for yourselves.

Top Boy – Lucas Curbishley

Top Girl – Erin Bates


Mr J might have to log on and help the boys out if this carries on…

ttrs day 1

tuesday maths answers

Tuesday slides

Attached is your home learning for tomorrow- Tuesday 28th April – along with the answers for the maths. Not all the answers are relevant, so look for the questions that you need! There is a challenge question on there for anyone feeling confident!

Stay safe!

Mr J