Year 6 Christmas Party

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 6 children will be having their Christmas party. The children are welcome to bring their choice of comfortable clothing for the afternoon. As always, we ask the children to contribute to the party buffet by bringing in an item of food. Your child has volunteered to bring in a specific item(s) and they should have written this down in their homelink book as a reminder. Please can we remind you that we do have a severe nut allergy in Year 6 and therefore ask that no products containing nuts are bought into school. We also ask that there is no cheese or pineapple bought in as we also have children allergic to those items. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher. Thanks in advance, the Year 6 team.

A huge well done to all lower school children for their hard work in creating our very own Synagogue. As part of B&V day all children learned about important religious buildings and the children in 5M’s session created this very impressive design using tissue paper. Thank you to the hard work of the staff who helped.

Some of the children who took part in the making.

6J: French Study Pt 1

6J had the first part of their French study today with Professor Muller from Cambridge University. They looked at identifying character, numbers, clothes, colours and attempted to write their own French description of a character. This study will continue throughout the week. The children seemed to have had great fun taking part in this study.

french 2


Black History Month

6J have been recognising black history month this week and during today’s lesson we looked at some the coded language which would’ve been used by slaves trying to organise an escape. We had a go at creating our own coded messages. See if you can crack the 6J coded sentence.


Wright house team meeting


In the Wright house team meeting today we spoke about black history month and why we celebrate this month within school. Miss Hardy then shared the story of Mary Seacole – feel free to ask your child what they can remember about her.

6J Cryptarithms

6J’s 3 star mathematicians were faced with a very tricky challenge today, they had to figure out which numbers were being represented by the letters! They showed great resilience and worked together to look for patterns and find the answers. Well done!

Cryptarithms in 6J

Cryptarithms in 6J

Year 6 interview: Alien witness

Today, Year 6 got the chance to interview a first hand witness to the alien invasion at NJS: Mrs Moody.

The children produced their own open-ended questions and interviewed Mrs Moody to gather information and direct quotes. The children will now use these in Friday’s newspaper report.

6J, 6S & 6EJ interviewing their alien witness: Mrs Moody

6J, 6S & 6EJ interviewing their alien witness: Mrs Moody

6J Textiles

6J have began their textiles work with an introduction to stitching. Mrs Beech showed the children how to complete a back stitch and a running stitch, some children even managed to complete a cross stitch! This will help to form part of our Year 6 Tudor rose display which will be hand stitched by the children.