Celebrating Our NJS Artists

Hello children!

How are you all keeping? I have an absolute visual treat to share with you today. I am so proud and impressed to share with you some art work by Brianna Duff in year 6. She is going to be a very talented artist and I know you will be all very impressed when you have a look at her amazing art work. The attention to detail and care that Brianna has taken with her sketches is amazing. The light and shade in her pictures are superb.

Well done Brianna! πŸ™‚ I have loved looking at all the artwork you have sent me children.

Please continue to participate in our art challenges and e-mail me your fabulous work.

Have a lovely weekend children.

Best wishes Mrs Jukes

Amazing Year 6 Art

Year 4 Shoebox Art Gallery Task

Hi Year 4!

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. I would just like to share an art challenge that Ms Branton has suggested for you. It is to create your very own art gallery from an old shoebox or any type of small box you may have spare. This is a project you could do over a week or maybe two weeks? We hope you enjoy making it.

Best wishes Mrs Jukes and Ms Branton

Shoebox Art Gallery

Thank You NJS Artists!

Hello children!

I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the children who participated in the first art challenge set. I have had some wonderful pieces of art work sent to me. I would like to share examples from Leah Bodkin and Quinten Bennison Van-Buul who are both from 4NJ. If you would like me to share your art work please send it to:


I hope you enjoy the Shadow Art task I have set for this week.

Take care everyone and I will look forward to posting my next challenge soon. πŸ™‚

Amazing Art

Amazing Art 2

A new NJS art challenge

Hello children,

I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying your home learning. I would like to share a new art challenge with you all. This week, I would like us to focus on Shadow Art. Using a torch or a living room light, lamp or even a torch from a mobile phone. Find a dark place in your home, choose your favourite object. Place it on some plain A4 paper and have a go at creating your very own pieces of art by tracing around the shadow.

Please see the pictures below for some ideas.

Have fun and enjoy πŸ™‚ Mrs Jukes

Shadow Art Task

Shadow Art Task

NJS Art whole school challenge

Hello NJS!

I hope you are all keeping well and busy during our current lockdown. I would just like to share two art challenges with you. Please feel free to have a go and e-mail your year groups or teachers your pictures once you have completed them. Enjoy everyone and take care πŸ™‚

Art Challenge 1

Art Challenge 2

4NJ’s Home Learning for Friday 11th December

Hi 4NJ!

How are you all? This week has flown by and I can’t believe it is Friday already. You are all doing a superb job with your home learning so keep up the wonderful work. Your snowflakes looked brilliant by the way and I am looking forward to making Christmas cards with you today.

A huge well done to Ella Burchell and Quinten Bennison Van-Buul for your amazing Christmas Garden Craft which I would like to share with you too. It looks amazing and you have done an excellent job! πŸ™‚

Ella Burchell’s Christmas Garden Craft

Quinten’s Christmas Garden Craft

Friday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 11th of December

Friday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 11th of December

4NJ’s Home Learning for Thursday 10th of December

Hi 4NJ!

I hope you are all well and feeling happy and excited ready for the countdown to Christmas. I am counting down one more week until we can all be together as a class before Christmas. You are all doing a superb job and keep up the wonderful work.

I would just like to share a huge thanks to Emily Wilmot and Thomas Clewes for sending me their wonderful ‘Christmas Garden Scavenger Hunt’ work which I would like to share with you. πŸ™‚

I would also like to mention Christmas cards. If you have any cards you would like to post to other members of year 4, please could you ask your parents to place your cards in a sealed bag and pop them into the drop box and Mrs Moody will be happy to distribute them to your friends. If that could be done before Friday, we would very much appreciate that.

See you tomorrow on Teams 4NJ X πŸ™‚

Emily Wilmot Christmas Garden Scavenger Hunt

Thomas Clewes Christmas Tree Art

Thursday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 10th of December

Thursday’s Home Learning – 4NJ 10th of December

4NJ Craft Packs

Hello to all of the parents in 4NJ. I would just like to let you all know that your Christmas Craft Packs are available in the drop box ready for you to collect at your convenience ready for Thursday and Friday’s afternoon sessions.

Kindest regards Mrs Jukes πŸ™‚