Book Day Parade Tomorrow…

Please make your way to the main playground from your drop off point for 9am to watch our Book Day Parade.

Classes will be brought out in turn to do some laps of the playground to show off their costumes!

Please can parents stand around the outside of the playground outside of the cones.

Parents can exit through the double green gates following the parade.

Thank you all for your support.

Year 5: children in school next week…

For the children not attending Arthog next week please go to the Victorian block as usual where you will be taught by Mrs Jones for the week.

On Wednesday she has kindly organised a treat for you! Mrs Jones (and other staff!) would like to take you to Greggs bakery to allow you to purchase a treat followed by a play at a local park.

All children have permission for local visits.  If you do not wish your child to attend please inform the office by Friday 3rd March.

On Wednesday please send your child into school in their uniform but with a pair of trainers they can wear to play at the park.  They can also bring up to £3 to purchase a drink and edible treat!

World Book Day Parade Reminder

We invite children to come to school dressed as a favourite book character on World Book Day: Thursday 2nd March 2023.

On Thursday 2nd March (World Book Day) we invite parents to wait on the main playground following drop off for a World Book Day parade.

At 9am we will bring all of the children out to parade around the main playground for parents to see their wonderful costumes.

We anticipate this will finish by 9.30am at the very latest.

Please understand this event is weather permitting.

Strike Action

Dear parents/carers,


You may be aware from media coverage that a Teaching Union has declared strike action, which will take place on 1st March. The strike is happening because of a national dispute between the unions and the government and not because of any issues at our school.


I’m getting in touch to confirm that we expect Newport CE Junior School will be open as usual on 1st March. Please send your child in as normal.


(I am sure you appreciate that teachers will maintain their right to strike up until the day of strikes and we just want to make you aware of this fact; should we be in a situation where our position changes we will notify you as soon as possible.  In the meantime our statement above applies.)


Kind regards,

Mrs Moody & Mr Boardman

Head & Chair of Governors