Easter Tea Party: WEDNESDAY 2nd April

Huge apologies from Mrs M…. I made an error on the Easter Tea Party poster last week.

It should read ‘WEDNESDAY 2nd April’.

Please find an amended poster below.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M x

URGENT: Dinner Arrears

As you will be aware the 31st March is the end of the current financial year.  After this date any dinner arrears on the school meals account fall to the school to pay: this of course impacts on an already stretched school budget.

Please can we ask that families log onto ParentPay and ensure that your dinner account is in credit so that school are not accountable for any arrears from Monday.

We are very grateful for your support.

FRIDAY 21st MARCH 2025



We invite the children into school in bright/odd/funny/favourite socks to raise awareness.



We also invite the children to wear ONE red item e.g. hair bobble, a red nose, red t-shirt, red jumper to acknowledge the work of Comic Relief over 40 years to support those in the UK and abroad.

Comic Relief 2025 - a Charities crowdfunding project in United Kingdom by Comic Relief

IF you would like to send a donation into school on the 21st March Newport CE Junior School will divide equally all money raised between:

Comic Relief


Shropshire Down Syndrome Association.

Thank you for your support.

SEND parent questionnaire from PODS

Message to parent carers and families
This is the second Parent Carer Survey for the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) funded by NHS England in partnership with the Department of Education, Department for Health and Social Care and the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF).
The purpose of the PINS project has been to improve the experience of mainstream school for children who may have an additional educational need. The information from the survey will be used to understand the influence there has been on parent carer views since the start of PINS.
The survey is for all parents and carers of children attending schools participating in the project. If you have more than one child attend the school, then you may complete the survey for the number of children you have attending the school.
Closing date for the survey is 21st March 2025.
Please share your views and experiences here: https://forms.office.com/e/ArupHjAfkx