A Wonderful Careers Day!

Thank you to all those that were able to give up their time this afternoon to support our Careers Day. The children loved the opportunity to talk to you all, ask questions about the different jobs on display in the hall and to get the autograph of Luke Pollard MBE was a huge treat!


Book Week (3rd- 7th March)

Please see letter explaining about our upcoming Book Week events.

Our dressing up day remains on World Book Day – Thursday 6th March.

We have fun book related events taking place across the whole week.

Book Week 2025

NSPCC – PANTS materials shared in assembly today.

Parents / carers,

Today we shared the NSPCC materials and advice called PANTS.

It is something we choose to do annually at NJS.

The PANTS materials introduce the character Pantosaurus and his very catchy song!

The children learn the importance of keeping themselves safe and that the contents of their pants is private.

There are useful links on the presentation with advice for parents on how to support at home.

PANTS-School-Presentation 2025 -Website Version

Y4 Swimming Thursday: CANCELLED

Due to exciting plans for Careers Day on Thursday we are cancelling Year 4 swimming so they don’t miss out!

Apologies, thank you for your understanding.

PTA Fundraiser… Friday

This Friday (14th February) the PTA are holding a fundraiser!

£2 suggested donation for mufti and a film with a treat to end the day!

Safer Internet Day

Tomorrow NJS will be marking Safer Internet Day.  This is an awareness day marked around the world.

We will be using resources from: https://saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2025 and following the theme for this year which is ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online’.

We will have a whole school assembly in the morning and then the children will complete some follow up activities in class.