World Book Day Reminder

World Book Day - World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity.  Our mission is to give every child and young person a book of their own.

We are very much looking forward to World Book Day tomorrow and seeing the children’s wonderful costumes.  Please remind your child to bring their book with them!


A reminder for parents/carers… if you would like to make your way to the main playground after drop off we will bring the classes out for a parade in their costumes.  This should take around 20 minutes maximum.

This will be weather dependent so please do check our Facebook page if it’s not looking great!

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M

Rise in cost of School Dinners.

We have just been made aware that the price of a school dinner for the children has risen to £2.90 per day.

This change came in on Monday 24th February. Some of you have noticed this already through your Parent Pay Accounts.

We can only apologise for any problems this may causes.

Mr Rotherham

Welcome back!

We hope our families had a lovely half term of memory making.

46,200+ Welcome Back To School Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector  Graphics & Clip Art - iStock | Welcome back to school sign, Welcome back to  school banner, Welcome back to school typeA few reminders:

Swimming this half term:

Mondays: 5OP and 5K

Thursdays: Year 6 and 5P


Please have PE kits in school all week.

Water Bottles:

Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school with them each day.

Beech’s Base this week:

Wednesday: 5OP



Beech’s Base…

Please can we remind parents/carers that on a day your child is attending Beech’s Base we ask that they come to school in their clothes ready for the afternoon session.  They should have with them:

-Wellies or sturdy/waterproof footwear

-Old clothes that include long sleeves and long trousers.

-Waterproof coat (waterproof trousers would be great too if you have them)

We are very lucky to have our Beech’s Base facility but do ask for your support in ensuring the children are dressed appropriately for the conditions the weather brings!

A Wonderful Careers Day!

Thank you to all those that were able to give up their time this afternoon to support our Careers Day. The children loved the opportunity to talk to you all, ask questions about the different jobs on display in the hall and to get the autograph of Luke Pollard MBE was a huge treat!