Young Voices

Parents and Carers

When you enter the arena on Wednesday evening it can be difficult to spot individual schools as all children are in their white Young Voices t shirts!  We will be near our green Newport Junior School banner.  Our children will also all be given a green flag and glow stick to wave to help you spot us!  Mrs Green has kindly modelled this to us…


*Children will have their lunch at school before we leave: they can bring a packed lunch or have a school meal.

*All children must bring a packed tea: this should be in a disposable bag and have a disposable water bottle so we can place everything in the bin.

*Children need to wear black or grey trousers or skirt… at lunchtime we will give them their Young Voices T Shirt to wear with this.

*Collection from the Arena: you will need to make your way to the school collection point as directed by the stewards which is near the main entrance.

*Those returning on the coach please be outside NJS at 10.30pm (this is approximate timing as it depends on traffic but we appreciate your patience).

Any updates during the afternoon we will post on Facebook.

Young Voices!

Parents and Carers

When you enter the arena on Wednesday evening it can be difficult to spot individual schools as all children are in their white Young Voices t shirts!  We will be near our green Newport Junior School banner.  Our children will also all be given a green flag and glow stick to wave to help you spot us!  Mrs Green has kindly modelled this to us…

NJS Spring Club Provision!

Please find below details of the clubs for the Spring Term which will commence from the 30th January!

These clubs will be available on Parent Pay from 12pm on Wednesday 18th January for you to sign up your children.

Please can we remind you:

*If your child attended Cooking Club in the Autumn Term spaces this term are for children who have not yet attended. We therefore ask that you do not take a place.

*Once you have selected a club on Parent Pay you will have a place.  You will have no further contact.  If Parent Pay does not display the option to select a club then all spaces have been taken for this term.  If you are unsure please contact the office for clarity.

*Please be fair to others in the quantity of clubs you access for your child: we suggest a maximum of two as being sufficient each term.

*Please remember that clubs are FREE at NJS and run by our own staff!  This is an EXCEPTIONAL offer and we are extremely grateful to our team for their commitment.  In return we ask that each week you check our Facebook page or website for the following week that your club is running (occasionally due to other commitments staff may need to cancel their club).  We will never cancel a club on the day: if the club your child is attending cannot run for a ‘last minute’ reason we will find an alternative for your child.

*Please collect your child promptly!  All club collection is from the gates onto the main playground closest to Avenue Road South.  Staff will bring your child here for dismissal.