Year 3 Costume information for Hay Presto!

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know, it is nearly that time of year again. The Year 3 children have started practising their Christmas play – Hay Presto! – and are all aware of their roles. If they have any lines, please practice with them to help them learn them for the show. If they don’t have any, please read the song words to learn them, as reading practice.

All of the children will need various costumes. Please see the list below as to what your child will need:

Narrators: Smart clothes, smart, dark trousers with a shirt, or smart dresses and shoes/ smart clothing.

Angels: angel outfit with wings, halo and shoes.

Roman Soldiers: Roman soldier costume with sword/shield if available, or grey trousers and grey t-shirt with helmets.

Townsfolk, including non-speaking Crowd parts: Plain fabric covering for legs (wear shorts underneath!) with plain coloured, dull or white tops and tea towels for head dresses.

Mary and Joseph: Traditional costumes for these two – tea towels for head covering, traditionally brown, blue or green pillowcase for the tunic / top – with armholes cut, plus a length of plain white fabric for leg coverings.

Innkeeper: Traditional costume, like townsfolk, with a plain, cotton kitchen apron and tea towel prop.

Elders, plus Jacob, Thomas, Benjamin, John, Leah, Joanna, Ruth, Rachel: Like townsfolk, with slightly brighter colours for their tunics / top half – greens or bright blues. Elders can wear optional white beards!

Shepherds: Traditional shepherd outfits or plain brown t-shirts with black trousers and tea towels for headdress.

Wise Men – Caspar (Frankincense) / Melchior (Gold) / Balthazar (Myrhh): We can provide these costumes – no costumes required.

Attendants: Dark trousers and red tops with a colourful sash.

Mice: White clothing (White t-shirts, white/light shorts or trousers/joggers)

Oxen and Camels: brown top and dark/brown trousers. Animals will be given a mask to wear, provided by school. Alternatively, you can provide a costume befitting the part your child has.

Donkey/Ass: Donkey ears, brown clothing, make a tail if you like!

Sheep: White clothing (White t-shirts, white/light shorts or trousers/joggers)

Pigs: plain black or white clothing. School to provide a mask for headwear.

All costumes will be needed in school for Friday 8th December, ready for the dress rehearsal on Monday 11th December.

If you are having problems with the costumes please speak to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.

We are all very excited and can’t wait to show you the children’s hard work!

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

Class 3B Computing – Scratch coding

Class 3B had some fun this afternoon, learning to code using Scratch, a free, online, block-based coding language – check it out!

Children had to:

  • add 2 sprites
  • add several backgrounds
  • make both sprites move
  • add sound to their characters..

Eventually, children will create their own online piano or musical sound stage, using sequences of code. This was their first lesson – more to follow!



Year 3 boys’ football

On Friday afternoon the year 3 boys’ football team played at NJS against St Peter and St Paul primary school.

NJS played excellently winning 4-0 with all 4 goals coming from Harry H. The opposition’s goalkeeper was forced into some superb saves too!

All 12 children represented NJS outstandingly, demonstrating our school values throughout the game as well as playing some excellent football too.

Well done to all those who played and thank you to all the adults who came to watch.

Year 3 v Year 4 TTRS Battle

Good Evening,

The next TTRS battle is now live between Year 3 v Year 4. To support pupil wellbeing, there will be a daily time limit of 30 minutes per child.

Which year group will be victorious? …. Who will be the most valuable member of their class? …. Who will be crowned top of their year group?

Find out next week when the competition closes!

England Rocks – Results!

A huge well done and congratulations to all the children who took part in the England Rocks Competition on TTRS.

Special mentions to 1st place class: 5M, 2nd place class: 5J and 3rd place class: 6J 🙂

Some phenomenal individual results were recorded and children will receive certificates next week for their efforts.

Certificates to be given out are –

  • Top 3 classes in the school (based on average score).
  • Top 3 students in the school.
  • Top 3 students in each class.

We will publish the full results once the children have received their certificates 🙂

Year 3 Beech’s Base

Dear parents/carers,

Next week 3T and 3B have Beech’s Base on Tuesday (22nd) and Wednesday (23rd) afternoon respectively.

Tuesday: 3T

Wednesday 3B

On their Beech’s Base day, children are to come to school in appropriate clothing for the forest and consider weather conditions. Children should bring a change of shoes (ideally wellies) to change into for the afternoon too.

If you have any questions please contact your child’s teacher.

Mr Tipton

Year 3 Spellings this week and next week, Homework and TTRS

Dear Parents and Carers,

Week 3 Spellings Year 3

Week 4 Spellings Year 3

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2023

Apologies for the late posting of this week’s spellings – we have had several technical issues with the school website and loading up files. Hopefully these are now resolved.

Also attached is a reminder copy of the Year 3 homework for this half term.

Finally, children are currently engaged in a national competition on Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). With this in mind, we would really appreciate it if you could allow your children to play on TTRS as often as possible over the next 24 hrs. The maximum time they can count towards the competition is 1 hr of playtime.

Once this competition has finished, we would recommend that children continue to  spend at least 10 minutes per day practicing their times tables on TTRS.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.