Year 5 Christmas Performance Monday 18th December

For Monday’s performance, can the children be at Church please for 6.15pm ready for 6.30pm start.

Children are to wear their school uniform and a Christmas accessory if they wish.

There will be plenty space in the Church for parents and other adults.

We look forward to the children showcasing their reading and singing skills!

Thanks very much!

Mr Marsh, Mrs Jukes and Mrs Yates.



5M Weekly Reminders

There a couple of slight changes this week.

P.E. will be on Monday this week and will be definitely outside as we continue our learning in Handball.

Swimming will be Tuesday as usual.

Wednesday, we will be at the Panto roughly 9.15 – 12.30ish.

Friday, we are going to have a Computing morning and make our Crumble projects.