Wellbeing support for parents

We are always striving to support our families as best we can. The NHS have prepared some audio clips that can be used as wellbeing/emotional support for children and adults who are struggling to deal with a range of issues.

You may have children who are experiencing school closures due to bubbles closing, ill health or experiencing anxiety, these clips are designed to support calming down strategies.

NHS audio clips – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/moodzone-mental-wellbeing-audio-guides/

We hope this will provide some support at home.

Year 5 at Chetwynd Deer Park

Year 5 have spent half a day at the deer park today and the other half of the day having a treat and a film. We had lots of fun in the great outdoors and enjoyed relaxing back at school. The children have behaved impeccably from beginning to end, working fantastically at the paired activities and representing NJS very, very well. They should be very proud of themselves! Well done Year 5, we hope you have all enjoyed your wellbeing treat day as much as we did. Have a lovely weekend. Love Miss H, Mr M, Mr L and Mrs T x


Year 5 lost property

There are several year 5 children who have lost items of uniform or coats. All items found un-named in the year 5 area or left on the playground after break/lunch are put into the year 5 lost property box, which is outside the year 5 toilets in our block. A couple of children have lost jumpers which aren’t in lost property, but there are many, many jumpers there! Please can all year 5s check their uniform at home this weekend and return any that they may have accidentally taken home. If you’re missing any, please remind your children to look at the lost property box next week. If uniform is un-named, it is virtually impossible to return them to the right children so PLEASE name all your child’s stuff!

Many thanks and have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team