Return to School Survey

We are interested to gather the thoughts of our parents/carers and children about the return to school on the 8th March and would be grateful for families to complete the below questionnaire.

Survey link:    or    

If you have concerns specific to your child that you wish to discuss please do email your class teacher directly as this feedback does not identify individuals.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Moody

Home Learning 25.02.21

Clauses input Children must work through this before completing the tasks.

lesson 4

Harris Burdick Week Thurs 25.02.21

History – online lesson with Mrs K
lesson 5 crime and punishment
6J at 9am
6S at 10 am
6K at 11am

Have a good day Y6!

TTRS Lifetime Coins Leader Boards

As promised, I have created some leader boards to show the 10 children in each year group who have earned THE MOST COINS of all time!

TTRS isn’t just about speed (although this does help) it is also about accuracy, and dedication. These leader boards show the children who have earned the most coins during their time at NJS.

Have a great day!

Mr J (click the link below to access the PDF)
ttrs lifetime coins

Reading titles and captions for Reading task 23.02.21

My apologies I have just realised that I didn’t add the reading titles and captions that match the images.

Image with boy in bed and 2 bright lights:
Title – Archie Smith, Boy Wonder. Caption – A tiny voice asked, “Is he the one?”

Man holding chair above his head:
Title – Under the Rug. Caption: Two weeks passed and it happened again.

Two children by water:
Title – A Strange Day in July. Caption – He threw with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back.

Ship crashing into buildings:
Title – Missing in Venice. Caption – Even with her mighty engines in reverse, the ocean liner was pulled further and further into the canal.

Children sitting on a kart with sails:
Title – Another Place, Another Time. Caption – If there was an answer, he’d find it there!

Basement with very small door:
Title – Uninvited Guests. Caption – His heart was pounding. He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn.

River scene with harp at front of image:
Title – The Harp. Caption – So it’s true he thought, it’s really true.

Child sleeping and book grows plants:
Title – Mr Linden’s Library. Caption – He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late.

Floating chair with nun:
Title – The Seven Chairs. Caption – The fifth one ended up in France.

Bird wallpaper:
Title – The Third Floor Bedroom. Caption – It all began when someone left the window open.

Bright pumpkin:
Title – Just Dessert. Caption – She lowered the knife and it grew even brighter.

Man and child standing by railings at waterside
Title – Captain Tory. Caption – He swung his lantern three times and slowly the schooner appeared.

Child holding stuff in hands
Title – Oscar and Alphonse. Caption – She knew it was time to send them back. The caterpillars softly wiggled in her hand, spelling out “goodbye”.

House blasting off
Title – The House on Maple Street. Caption – It was the perfect lift off.