
Tuesday 4th July, 2023

Summer Fair: Thursday 6th July 2-3.15pm


Children can wear mufti on Thursday in exchange for a filled jar.  The jar could be filled with a small toy, crayons, wrapped sweets, hairbands… anything!  (please no unwrapped food)  The jar should be given to class teachers on arrival at school on Thursday morning.

Parents and carers are very welcome to attend the Summer Fair.  The security gate will open at 2pm.

If you are attending you will be asked to collect your child from their stall where their class teacher will be: all classes will have a stall positioned around the field.

Once you have collected your child from their class teacher you can visit the fair together and may leave when you are ready.

If you are unable to attend then you may send your child to school with some money and they will have the opportunity to visit the fair with their teacher.  These children will be dismissed as usual at 3.15pm.

Have you heard about the competition?!!!  Classes have been set a challenges: who can design and sell a product and make the most profit at the Summer Fair!  The competition is on!  Teachers have been sending out information about their products for you to view.

In addition to the class stalls we also have:

Summer Fair – 6th July 2023

We are looking forward to a fun afternoon and some great fundraising for School Fund.

Tuesday 4th July, 2023

Class 3B Summer Fair Product!

3B have had great fun creating Slime for our Summer Fair this Thursday 6th July at 2pm.

Each pot costs £2 and there will also be a raffle for a bigger slime pot, costing 50p per ticket – please come and buy a pot of our quality product!


Tuesday 4th July, 2023

3T Aspirations week

For the school fair, 3T have been making coasters. Throughout the process, we have explored different designs, completed market research by asking each class at NJS their design preferences and they even had to present their ideas in a Dragon’s Den styled pitch in front of the daunting dragons of Mr Tipton, Ms Crompton and Miss Lockwood.

As a class the children and I have decided on the following prices:

NJS logo coaster: £1.50

Animal or Food and Drink design coaster: £1

NJS and an Animal/Food and drink coaster: £2

Tuesday 4th July, 2023

Head teacher awards

This week’s headteacher awards winners in Beech’s Base. Well done all!

Tuesday 4th July, 2023

Operation Shrinky!

Just a little taster of the wonderful Shrinky Dinks that will be on offer from 5N at the Summer Fair this Thursday!

Shrinky Dinks are drawings on special plastic that, once baked in the oven, shrink down to about 1/3 of their original size. It has been wonderful to see the children’s creations being turned into lovely little keyrings. Please come along and support our stall on Thursday!

Basic Shrinky Dinks – £1.50

Personalised Initials – £2.00