Year 3 Parents Consultations 22.10.20

Dear Parents,

We are looking forwards to catching up with you tomorrow during our phone calls and Teams meetings. We will do our best to call at the allotted time and politely request that you also please try to stick to the time slot given, so that things run as smoothly as possible. We will do our best to do the same!

If you are having technical issues with Teams (sound or vision), we will try to contact you by phone, so please have your mobile to hand, just in case.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.


Ruby – 3W Great work

At school Ruby would always produce beautiful work and being at home – that hasn’t changed! What a great example of our presentation expectations in 3W Ruby – well done! Keep up all the hard work you are doing at home Ruby.

Please continue to share all work you would like to celebrate withe me.

Miss W


Sylvie’s Storyboard – Year 3

This week Year 3 have been writing a storyboard for a video story they have watched.

Sylvie has worked really hard on capturing the emotion and atmosphere of the video! This is the work she has produced and I think you will agree with me – it’s a great piece of work!

Well done Sylvie! Keep up all your hard work!

Please continue to share all work you wish to celebrate with me.

Miss W

Lucas’ Certificates 3W

Lucas from 3W has been working incredibly hard over the last few days and weeks. He has been doing extra English and Maths and has been working toward certificates.

He has now earned THREE new certificates! How amazing is that?!

Well done Lucas, keep up all the hard work. You are doing a brilliant job!

Please continue to share any work to celebrate.

Miss W



Taleisha’s success

During lock down we have all taken time to learn new skills.

Taleisha has learnt how to ride her bike! She’s done so well and has really had to fight the weather. She did it no matter what!

Well done Taleisha, you should be so proud!

Keep cycling!

Please continue to share work to celebrate.

Miss W

Isla’s musical instrument

Well done Isla, your D&T project looks amazing!

Year 3 worked on a day long project to design and make a musical instrument using only items that can be found around the house.

Hasn’t Isla made a brilliant job!

Not only did she put lots of hard work into making and planning her guitar but she also gave it to her Grandad so he could make music when he got bored! How kind!

Please continue to share work to celebrate with me!

Miss W

Abbie 3W Non-chronological Report

Last week, Year 3 worked on non-chronological reports. We chose a topic to research, collected facts, planned and wrote a non-chronological report.

Her is Abbie’s work on gymnastics. It is absolutely fantastic! She followed all the instructions and has worked really hard- it really shows!

Well done Abbie!

Please keep sending me any work you would like to celebrate!

Miss W

Year 5 Home Learning Friday 15th May – Day 29

Dear Parents and Year 5’s,

The engagement of year 5 home learning has been amazing so far!

Please bear in mind the following:

  • These activities are a guide for what you might work through with as a year 5 child.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day. Sometimes the tasks may take too long – don’t feel as though you have to complete them all that day, you can always catch up tomorrow! Likewise some of the tasks set are designed to be completed across the week – we have tried our best to emphasise this on the slides!
  • TTRS and learning off by heart times-tables, general reading, spelling patterns previously sent home are all also very important – these can be completed across the week to suit.

All three teachers are looking forward to seeing your work – please feel free to email any work you have completed to us so we can look at it. Also let us know if you would like any work sharing as we can publish it on our school website (the year 5 page) so other children in the year group can see what you have completed.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

follow this link for today’s home learning 18- Friday 15th May