3PW Beeches Base Tomorrow (08.05.24)

Just another little reminder that 3PW have Beeches Base tomorrow (Wednesday 8th May) afternoon!

Children will need to wear own clothes that can get messy and muddy, they need clean shoes/trainers for walking around inside school and a pair of wellies for the mud when they are outside!

Can’t wait to get outside and do some learning in the mud!

Mrs P

Year 3 Edgmond letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today, children who are going on the Edgmond residential trip brought home a single A4 double-sided sheet, with information about their visit, including a kit list. Please look out for this in their bags, as it will help you to organise them for their trip and may answer some questions you may have had.

Please contact the school if you have any further enquiries.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

3PW reminders WC 6.5.24


Tuesday: Mrs P all day, library

Wednesday: Mrs P in the AM, PE, Beech’s Base in the PM with Miss Lockwood and Mrs Cox – remember to come to school in your scruffy clothes!

Thursday: Mrs W all day, Darwin and Owen house (yellow and green) swimming gala at Newport swimming baths 2pm – parents/carers welcome to watch and take children home afterwards. Otherwise, children will return to school with staff for usual dismissal.

Friday: Mrs W all day, PE

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone! Xxx

Year 3 Swimming Galas

Dear Parents and carers,

This Thursday 2ND MAY at 2pm, Children from RED and BLUE house will be taking part in their Swimming Gala at Newport Town Swimming Pool.

Yellow and Green team will have their gala next week, on Thursday.

Children in these houses will need their SWIMMING KIT for this day.

AMENDED:  CHILDREN MAY INVITE NO MORE THAN ONE  PARENT to come and watch, from 2pm onwards, as space in the spectator area is limited!

At 3pm, children can be collected from Newport Town Pool and taken home from there, or we will walk back with your children and dismiss them from school in the usual way.

Any children who have clubs after school will need to walk back to school with their teachers.

Any questions, please ask your child’s class teacher before or after school.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

3PW reminders WC 29.04.24

Monday: Mrs P all day

Tuesday: Mrs P all day, library

Wednesday: Mrs P all day, PE

Thursday: Mrs W all day, swimming gala at Newport Pool for Jebb (blue) and Wright (red) house 2pm

Friday: Mrs W all day, PE

Have a lovely weekend everyone! xx

Beech’s Base – DATE SWAP – 4OP and 3L ONLY!

Date change for B.Base – 4OP have swapped with 3L due to their original date clashing with sports day.

Tuesday 18th June = 3L 

Wednesday 19th June = 4OP

I will pop a reminder on the website closer to the time.

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw