Manor Adventure Thank You….

We hope the children have had an amazing residential visit full of new experiences and memories for life.


Thank you  to families for supporting this opportunity.

Huge thanks to the staff who attended this residential; Mr Moody, Mrs Naylor, Mrs Parker, Mrs Ollerenshaw, Miss Smith and Mr Humphries. Visits like this cannot happen without the commitment of our staff team. Thank you also to staff who have covered back in school, it’s a whole team effort to enable opportunity.

We hope everyone has a good rest this evening and good luck with the washing!

Mrs M x

Manor Adventure Group – Return to school – about 2.45pm

Mr Moody has informed school that the Yr4 children who have been on the Manor Adventure residential will be back at school for about 2.45pm.

They have had a great time- but are now wet and filthy and will be ready to be collected on their return!

Thank you.