Year 4 Spellings

Due to the trips this week the spellings have been delayed in being handed out. We have decided not to test the children on the spellings published on the website until next Friday 18th October.

Paper copies of the spellings will be sent out on Monday.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Year 4 Sea Life Centre Trip

The remaining Year 4 children have had a fantastic day exploring the Sea Life Centre today. We got to experience a Behind the Scenes tour which the children loved and got to see the ‘Sea Life Centre Hospital’!

Here are some photos from our day…

Year 4’s trip to the Sea Life Centre on Monday

We had a fantastic time at the Sea Life Centre yesterday. 4NJ and 4S learnt all about the types of sea creatures which come from different parts of the world. We loved learning about the penguins, sharks and seals.

Year 4 Sea Life Centre Trip

We have had a wonderful day exploring the Sea Life Centre today, the discovery tour was great for learning new facts about the animals we saw.

Here are a few photos from our trip… 🙂 

Art Morning!

What a morning 4J and half of 4S have had! To fit in with our topic ‘All Around the World’ the children were asked to research a country, city or landmark for homework last week. This morning they were able to be creative and use pastels and wax crayons to bring them to life. Stay tuned for 4NJ and the remaining half of 4S tomorrow!

Look at the results…


If your child is not on the trip Tuesday (4NJ and half of 4S) they will still be swimming and therefore need to bring their kits into school.

Thank you!

Journey Art

As our geography topic is all around the world, we decided to combine our art with this also. Therefore, we have been looking at journeys through art. So far we’ve been on a trip to Australia to look at aboriginal art and the techniques they use. in the first lesson we had to design our own symbols for everyday items.

Today, we made our first journey with brown paths, a blue river and camping (red and yellow). We then painted the rest of the map and added the aboriginal dots.

Year 4 – TRIP!

Final details for the trip…

Mrs Jukes’ class are going Monday. They will be joined by half of 4S.

Miss Jones’ class are going Tuesday. They will be joined by the other half of 4S.

As Miss Jones’ class are in school Monday they are welcome to come to school in their PJs (Please see letter sent home). The half of 4S also staying in school can do this as well.

Unfortunately, Mrs Juke’s class and the half of 4S going on Monday must wear their uniform.

We are looking forward to the trip! Please remember your packed lunch on the day!