Y5 Grammar Test Familiarisation Morning 8/7/24

Dr Hibbs from Haberdashers’ Adams will be in school on Monday 8th July  for a 1 hour entrance test familiarisation session. This session is open to all boys who have registered for the test, and all girls who selected to share data with Haberdashers’ Adams on the test application form. If you would like your child to attend, please consent on ParentPay so we have an idea of numbers.

Please note that this is not a tutoring session – children will learn more about what to expect on the day and receive a copy of the free booklets provided by GL to bring home.

(also available here https://11plus.gl-assessment.co.uk/free-materials/).

This will be in the morning facilitated by Dr Hibbs and Mr Marsh.

5M Reminders 1/7/24

Monday – Mr Marsh PPA. Ms Branton in 5M.

Tuesday – Transition Day

Wednesday – PE Kits please

Thursday – Library and General Election Day

Friday – 5M Beech’s Base PM with Miss Lockwood and Mrs Wood

Beech’s Base Reminder for 5J

Good afternoon 5J parents,
I would just like to remind you that it is Beech’s Base session tomorrow afternoon. Please can all children come to school in their uniform for class photos & bring Beech’s base clothes to get changed into after.

Much appreciated Mrs Jukes

Summer Fair Reminder

Good afternoon everyone,

Please can the children remember to bring a jar of goodies for the summer fair. For children who have brought a jar, please remember to wear mufti. Please remember your sun hats, sun cream & water bottles too.😀

Year 5 Sports day Reminder

Good afternoon parents,

 Please can we remind all year 5 children that tomorrow they need to wear their P.E. Kit to school. They will also need sun hats, sun cream & bottles of water. We will look forward to seeing you tomorrow at sports day tomorrow. Thank you


This Weeks Weather!

Please can we advise ALL children, this week, to come into school with sun hats/caps, a water bottle, applied sun cream and a small bottle of sun cream to apply later – please note they have to do this themselves. On their Sports Days please send your child with an extra bottle and remember your child can attend Sports Day wearing their Sports Day kit!
Year 4 – Tuesday; Year 5 – Wednesday; Year 6 – Thursday (am)

5J’s Beech’s Base a reminder for parents!

5J’s Beech’s Base has been moved to Friday the 28th of June (a week today). As it is class photos that day too, please can I ask all children in 5J to come to school wearing their uniform & bring clothes to change into for Beech’s Base for their afternoon session. Thanks in advance Mrs Jukes