Yr 5 Arthog Residential

Please find attached the information shared at this afternoons Yr 5 Arthog meeting (Wed 3.15pm in the school hall).

Medical forms inc dietary requirements and Behaviour contracts need to be back in school by Friday 20th January so we can make Arthog aware.

If you require anything further please contact me directly on ben.moody@taw.org.uk

Mr M

Arthog Presentation to Parents main 23


Medical Consent_Form 23

Residential Code of Conduct March 23

Yr 5 Space Centre Trip – 6th Feb

Please can we ask that you sign you child up to the Space Centre trip which is happening on Monday 6th February.

This is all accessible from your ParentPay account.

We only have 50/90 signed up to go.

Kindest regards

Yr 5

5W at Beech’s Base

Today was the first Beech’s Base visit of 2023!!

At Beech’s Base  today, 5W’s theme was Earth and Space which is linked to our Science topic. We read a Man on the Moon newspaper article reporting on the exciting news from July 1969. We discussed how life was so different back then and what technology would not have been around. The children became familiar with the famous quote… “One Small Step for Man…” and also where the phrase “The Eagle has landed” derived from.

Other activities included digging and jumping into a huge moon mud crater! Building a spaceship and then using this as a prop/setting for a re-enactment of the space mission, searching for ‘moon’ rocks, den building and creating some moon bread!

Some of the children used flour and water to make a dough. They had a choice to add ginger or herbs and make crater holes into their bread. It has been proving this afternoon. Before the children eat it please could a grown up place it in the oven on a low heat for a short amount of time (maximum 10 minutes) then, ENJOY!

Thanks for a super day 5W.

Mrs K x 🙂

Yr 5 Bikeability

RE: Year 5 Bikeability

Dear Parents,

Traditionally we have offered the children chance to take part in a Bikeability programme and we would like to offer this to the children again.

Bikeability is a safety awareness course for children who wish to travel around on their bicycles safely.

Potentially there may be opportunities for your child to travel, for the remaining of this school year and whilst in Year 6, on their bikes. Therefore travelling safely, with the participation and passing of this course.

The training will take place on our school yard and local roads to the school and the children will need a bicycle, a helmet and will need to have a bicycle which is in secure working order.

Children will be able to store their bicycles securely and safely at school during the day.

At this stage we do not know which dates we will have the course available to us, but we would like an idea of numbers, so we know what to book. The course has a devised timetable to deliver a whole Bikeability course in 2 days with only 12 children per course.

If you would like your child to take part in a Bikeability course, please sign up your child via your ParentPay account, which will close on Friday 13th January. I will then write to you again in due course to inform you of your child’s sessions and for you to complete the relevant consent forms.

Many thanks

Mr B Moody

5M at Beech’s Base

For 5M’s visit to Beech’s Base the theme for Forest Fun was linked to our History topic – The Victorians. We discussed when this period of time existed and how life would have been like. Some of the activities included exploring Den Building and Creating Peg Dolls and played the game the ‘Farmer wants a Wife’. The children also used hand drills to make holes in conkers and played the traditional game. Some of the children used the gardening tools and took pride in maintaining the learning environment.

Thanks for a super day 5M.

Mrs K x 🙂


5PJ at Beech’s Base

For 5PJ’s visit to Beech’s Base the theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our History topic – The Victorians. We discussed when this period of time existed and how life would have been like. Some of the activities included exploring Den Building and Creating Peg Dolls and creating a Victorian Chemist role play game. The children were able to explain what the word ‘Era’ means. The children also used hand drills to make holes in conkers and played the traditional game.

Thanks for a super day 5PJ.

Mrs K x 🙂